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RGUHS releases Revised Ordinance for MBBS, Curriculum of Phase 1 Community Medicine

Bengaluru: The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has released the revised ordinance governing MBBS degree course and curriculum of Phase I Community Medicine Subject - November 2019
All the concerned students can view the details issued by the varsity in regard with the same as mentioned below:
Community Medicine Syllabus for First Professional Year
To train the Indian Medical graduate of first contact who will be able to apply different levels of prevention utilizing principles of demography and health education, addressing multiple dimensions like socio-cultural factors and nutrition.
At the end of the first professional year student should be able to
1. To describe the concepts of health, prevention and application of interventions at various levels of prevention
2. To describe the relationship of social and behavioural science, health and disease.
3. To explain the concept and principles of health education.
4. To describe the common source of nutrients and correct method of nutritional assessment at individual family and community level.
5. To describe the epidemiology, common nutrition related health disorders and their control and management.
6. To describe the principles of demographic cycles and vital stastics.
Concept of Health and Disease
(lecture and SGD/practical/Integration/tutorials)
(CM1.1 – CM1.10)
• Define Public Health, rise of public health.
• Describe the changing concepts in Public Health
• Define health, describe the changing concept of health, describe the concept of holistic and spiritual health, and describe the relative concept of health. Describe the concept of well-being, standard of living, quality of life – Physical quality of life index, Human development index.
• Determinants of health- Enumerate and describe
• Describe the characteristics of agent, host and environmental factors in health and disease.
• Describe the concept of causation. Describe the germ theory of disease.
• Describe the multi factorial etiology of disease
• Describe and discuss the natural history of disease
• Prevention – Concept, Levels of prevention, application of interventions at various levels of prevention.
• Health promotion and Education - concepts, principles,
• IEC and Behavioral change communication (BCC) - concept and examples.
• Enumerate and describe health indicators
• Describe the Demographic profile of India and its impact on health.
• Describe communication skills in health.
Relationship of social and behavioral to health and
Disease (lecture and SGD/practical/Integration/tutorials)
(CM2.2, 2.4, 2.5– CM2.6)
• Describe the socio-cultural factors, Types of family, its role in health and disease & demonstrate in a simulated environment the correct assessment of socio-economic status.
• Describe social psychology, community behaviour and community relationship with health and disease
• Describe poverty and social security measures and its relationship to health and disease
lecture and SGD/practical/Integration/tutorials (12 hr)
(CM5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
• Describe the common sources of various nutrients, Demonstrate: food we eat and their nutritive value (Integrated session with Bio chemistry)
• Special nutritional requirements according to age, sex, activity, physiological Conditions
• Describe and demonstrate the correct method of performing a nutritional assessment using the appropriate method (Integrated session with pediatrics/General medicine)
Nutritional assessment of individuals,
Nutritional assessment of families and
Nutritional assessment of the community
• Define common nutrition related health disorders(Integrated session with pediatrics/General medicine) (Including macro-PEM, Micro-iron, Zn, iodine, Vit. A, endemic fluorosis),
• Describe the epidemiology of common nutrition related health disorders.
• Describe their control and management
Demography and vital statistics
lecture and SGD/practical/Integration/tutorials (7 hr)
(CM9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
• Define and describe the principles of Demography, Demographic
• cycle, Vital statistics
• Define, calculate and interpret demographic indices including birth
• rate, death rate, fertility rates
• Enumerate and describe the causes of declining sex ratio and its social and health implications
• Enumerate and describe the causes and consequences of Population explosion and population dynamics of India.
Self-Directed Learning 5 Hrs
Suggested areas for integration
As per the "competency based undergraduate curriculum for the Indian medical graduate 2018 Medical Council of India"
AETCOM MODULE to be covered for first professional year
• Demonstrate the role of effective Communication skills in health in a simulatedenvironment.
• Demonstrate the important aspects of the doctor patient relationship in a simulated environment.
Teaching hours and methods
Curriculum component | Time allotted in hours |
Lecture | 20 |
Small group teaching/tutorial/integrated/learning/practical | 27 |
Self-directed learning | 5 |
Total | 52 |
To be noted:
• The number of hours mentioned above are rough guidelines that can be modified to Suit the specific requirements of a medical college.
• It is recommended that didactic teaching be restricted to less than one third of the total Time allotted for that discipline.
• Greater emphasis is to be laid on hands-on training, symposia, seminars, small group Discussions, problem-oriented and problem-based discussions and self-directed Learning.
• Students must be encouraged to take active part in and shared responsibility for their Learning.
Guidelines for Assessment
➢ Not less than three internal examinations to be conducted, one at each professional year. Therefore,
• First internals at end of I Professional year
• Second internals at end of II Professional year at end
• Third internals at end of III Professional year
➢ First and Second internals shall be conducted for 40 marks and final internals in III professional year can be conducted for 100 marks mimicking final University examination
➢ Nature of questions will include different types such as structured essays (Long Answer Question-LAQ, Short Answer Questions- SAQ) and objective questions (eg. Multiple Choice Questions-MCQs). MCQs shall be accorded a weightage of not more than 20% of total theory exam
*Model of internals exam question paper for 40 marks
• Multiple Choice Questions-- 8 x 1 marks=08 marks
• Long Answer Question------ 1 x 10 marks= 10 marks
• Short Answer Question------ 2 x 5 marks= 10 marks
• Short Answer Question------ 4 x 3 marks= 12 marks
Scheme for calculation of internal assessment marks:
Theory (maximum marks) | Marks | Practical's | Marks |
Theory written paper | 32 | Practical exam • OSPE • Practical exercises • Group discussion and presentations | 30 |
Formative assessment | Formative assessment | ||
MCQs | 8 | Log book Practical record | 5 5 |
Total | 40 | 40 |
Model question paper for Internal Assessment of 1st year MBBS
(RS4 2019-20 batch)
Subject: Community Medicine
Time: 1 hour Total marks: 32marks
Long essay (1*10 = 10 marks)
1. Define health. Discuss the determinants of health. ( 2+8= 10 marks)
Short essay (2*5 = 10 marks)
2. Enumerate different levels of prevention. Describe each level with examples.
(1.5+3.5= 5 marks)
3. Describe poverty and explain social security measures. (1+5= 5 marks)
Short answer (4*3= 12marks)
4. Define demography. Explain stages of demographic cycle. (1+2= 3 marks)
5. Name any six common nutritional deficiency diseases in India. (0.5*6 = 3 marks)
6. Determinants of doctor patient's relationship.
7. Enumerate any six indicators of health. (0.5*6 = 3 marks)
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