Rs 1,400 crore sought by PGIMER from Reliance, Infosys under CSR initiatives
The Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), one of the prominent education and research giants, has approached industrial bigwigs like Reliance and Infosys for Rs. 1400 crore to fund two new projects –The National Organ Transplant Centre and the Geriatrics Centre. This has been approached under the Corporal Social Responsibility(CSR), initiatives of the two industries.
The Research and Education body has been nominated as the Regional Organ and Tissue Transplantation Organisation (ROTTO) for northern states for organ sharing network proposed by the Union government.
Hindustan Times reports , that in a communiqué to the Reliance Industries Limited, Chairman, Mr. Mukesh Ambani, Director PGI, Dr. Jagat Ram has asked for Rs. 800 crore for the transplant initiative.
“This is in reference to the news items appearing in different national newspapers regarding your plan and commitment for corporate social responsibility for the betterment of the people of India in the health sector,” states the letter, with ‘National Organ Transplant Centre’ being the subject of the letter.
The PGIMER has taken steps to promote in-house deceased donor organ donation since 2011. Organ Transplant surgery calls for super speciality operation theatres for the specialized service that is required.
“The impact of developing such a facility would be to bring down cost in organ transplant being exorbitantly charged by the private sector, bring in newer technologies, set newer standards of technological advances in hospitals, the newer standard of infection control practices, newer standard of care for healthcare professionals,” the letter states.
“Such a facility will be to bring down the cost of organ transplant, being exorbitantly charged by the private sector.” Dr Jagat Ram, PGIMER Director
Other clinical areas that will develop alongside this centre are the proposed institutes of liver and biliary diseases, bone marrow transplant and, end-stage renal diseases and transplant, for cardiac patients needing transplants or pacemakers.
The “one-time financial cost” of Rs.800 crore, asked for in the letter include Rs 500 crore for civil works, Rs 200 crore for equipment and the remaining being for allied expenses.
The other letter to Infosys, Chairman, Nandan Nilekani has Dr Jagat Ram asking for Rs. 500 crore for civil works for the Geriatric Care and Rehabilitation centre and another Rs.90 crore for its equipment. According to the Director, PGI the project “would provide comprehensive care to the elderly patients for their medical needs and related problems”.
This he further mentions would include acute medical care in the hospital and long-term chronic medical care and rehabilitation through the OPD facilities; along with homes visits by social workers.
Promoting the project, Dr Jagat Ram further adds, “the older person’s segment above 80 years is the fastest growing segment”.
“The elderly are dependent on youngsters for most of their needs. At the PGIMER, elderly patients have to visit separate departments for treatment and there are no dedicated beds for them. The number of elderly patients is on the rise and we need a dedicated team for providing holistic care to them,” the letter reads.
According to the Director, geriatric medicine would help reduce hospital admission, maintains optimal cognitive and physical function and possibly reduces mortality.
The letter mentions the PGI being in possession of land for the two projects recurring expenses like manpower and maintenance, it mentions would be projected to the government at intervals, reports HT.
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