JIPMER releases Gazette on MBBS Professsional Examination Regulations, Check out details

Published On 2019-08-15 08:27 GMT   |   Update On 2019-08-15 08:27 GMT
JIPMER releases Gazette on MBBS Professsional Examination Regulations, Check out details
Puducherry: The Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) has released a gazette notification spelling out the regulations on MBBS professional examination at the institute.

The gazette mentions the eligibility for appearing for the professional examination Phase 1, 2 and 3 along with compulsory internships and discontinuation of the course.

The “Regulations on Professional Examination - MBBS Course, 2017” came into force from the year 2017 and have been mandated for the MBBS - 2017 Batch onwards.

The gazette mentions the following clauses:



The students will be eligible to appear for all the Professional Examinations (Phase-I, II & III) on fulfilling the following conditions—

  • Attendance in theory 75%.

  • Attendance in practical/clinical 75%.

Condonation of attendance under any circumstances will not be

Students availing more than 15 days of medical leave will have to appear before the Medical Board constituted by JIPMER and the leave should be approved by the Medical

If, a student avails more than 30 days leave, the student shall re-do the posting or by attending special classes to compensate the

The Department concerned shall arrange extra classed during vacation, for the students who lack attendance.

Internal Assessment

  1. A student must secure at least 50% marks of the maximum marks fixed for internal assessment theory and practical/clinical, in a particular subject to be eligible to appear for the Final Professional Examination of that subject.

  2. The internal assessment marks shall be displayed in the notice-board and shall be sent to Academic Section soon after the send-up/model examinations are

  3. Internal assessment marks will be carried forward if, the candidate

  4. The students shall be given a chance to improve his/her Internal

Professional examination

  1. There shall be one Professional Examination in a year and one Supplementary Examination at Phase-1 Supplementary Examination will be held within 90 days of publication of Phase-I MBBS results. The students who fail in supplementary Examination will have to appear for examination along with the next year batch students of Phase-I.

  2. Passing in Phase-1 MBBS Professional Examination is mandatory before proceeding to Phase-II MBBS training

  3. The maximum number of attempts allowed for passing the Phase-I MBBS Professional Examinations will be four; the Phase-1 must be completed within 4 years of admission.

  4. A student who fails in the Phase-11 MBBS Professional Examination, shall not be allowed to appear in Phase-Ill (Part-I) examination, unless the student passes all subjects of Phase-11 MBBS Professional Examination, however, the student can undergo training for 6th and 7th semesters.

  5. A student shall not be .allowed to appear for Phase-III (Part-II) Professional Examination, unless the student passes all subjects of Phase-III (Part-I) Professional Examination, however, the student can undergo training for 8th and 9th semester.

  6. Students who fail either in theory or practical/clinical or both during Phase-1, II & III Professional Examinations, should, appear again for both theory and practical/clinical examinations.

Appointment of Examiners

  1. No person shall be appointed as an examiner in any of the subjects of the Professional Examination leading to and including the final Professional Examination for the award of the MBBS Degree unless he/she has at least five years of total teaching experience in the subject concerned, after a Doctorate or an equivalent qualification in the particular subject,as a faculty in a college affiliated to a recognized University.

  2. There shall be at least four Examiners; out of whom not less than 50% must be external Of the four Examiners, the Head of Department/Senior most Professor/Internal Examiner will act as the Chairman and coordinator of the whole examination program so that uniformity in the matter of assessment of candidates is maintained.

  3. The Chairman shall jet the. qùeition paperâ and shall moderate the Professional Practical Examinations.

  4. Non-medical Scientists engaged in the teaching of medical students as full-time Teachers, may be appointed as Examiners in their concerned subjects provided they possess requisite Doctorate qualifications and five-year teaching experience after obtaining their Doctorate qualifications. Further, 50% of the Examiners (Internal and External) are to bé from the medical qualification stream.

  5. The External Examiners shall be preferably from outside the State (120 km away)

  6. Except head of the department of the subject concerned, all other faculty members with requisite qualifications and experience shall be appointed as internal examiners in rotation every year for theory paper setting, vetting and practical examinations.

  7. Examiners who drop out on flimsy grounds will be blacklisted from the Panel of examiners.

  8. List of Panel of Examiners shall be updated by the Controller of Examinations every year.

  9. The Controller of Examinations shall be overall InCharge of conducting and arranging the evaluation for all Professional Examinations.

  10. All circular/Mark sheets/Duplicate certificates/Results will be issued/published after obtaining approval from Dean (Academic) and Director of the institute.

  11. All Professional examination results and Mark sheets will be signed by both the Controller of Examinations and Dean (Academic) after verified by Registrar (Academic).

Criteria for passing in Professional Examination

  1. Students will be declared as passed in the subject concerned if, all the following criteria's are fulfilled—

  • *Theory -50%

  • *Theory and viva-voce -50%

  • *practical/clinical -50%

  1. No grace marks will be allowed as far as Professional Examination (Phase-1, II & III) is concerned.

  2. Retotaling of theory paper alone will be permitted and Retotaling practical marks are not permitted.

  3. Re-evaluation of theory papers will not be permitted under any circumstances. No precedence will be accepted in this regard.

Compulsory Internship

  1. Students who complete MBBS in JIPMER Puducherry/Karaikal are only eligible to do a compulsory internship at JIPMER for a period of one year (12 months).

The details of Compulsory rotating Internship for one year as under:

Speciality Duration

Medicine 1.5months

Surgery 1.5months

Rural 3months

Paediatrics 1 month

Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1 month

Casualty 1 month

Anaesthesiology 15 days

Ophthalmology 15 days

Elective 2 months


2. Students of JIPMER will not be allowed to do internship elsewhere under any circumstances.

3. Students will not be permitted to do Internship in a piecemeal manner.

4. Migration of students from JIPMER to other institutes will not be allowed under any circumstances including internship period.

5. During the Internship period, accommodation and stipend will be provided as per rules from time to time.

6. Foreign students/students belonging to any other institutes will not be permitted to do any kind of internship at JIPMER under any circumstances.

7. Students are permitted to do Internship at JIPMER provided they have registered themselves at Tamil Nadu Medical Council of India with a provisional registration number.

Discontinuation -

1. The name of the student would be struck from the institute list who discontinues the course while doing Phase I for more than 6 months duration.

2. In case, a student discontinuing in the middle of Phase-II, IIJ and wishes to rejoin, approval of the Academic Advisory Committee is required.

3. The student is expected to complete the course within 9 years from the date of enrollment. After which the student will not be allowed to appear for any examination. Beyond this stipulated period, the chance for any candidate (due to prolonged illness, family problems, natural calamities, etc.,) will be made only with approval of Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) and the Head of the Institute.

Notwithstanding anything stated in this Regulation, for any unforeseen issues arising, and not covered by this Regulation, or in the event of differences of interpretation, the Director may take a decision, after obtaining the opinion/advice of a Committee consisting of any or all the Deans and Senior Faculties. The decision of the Director shall be the final.


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