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RGUHS releases Revised Ordinance Governing Candidates' Enrolment for Research Leading to PhD in various faculties 2020

Bengaluru: The premier Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has released the Revised Ordinance Governing Enrolement of Candidates for Research Leading to PhD in various faculties of Health Sciences - 2020.
The varsity invited applications for Entrance Test for admission to PhD courses to Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing and AYUSH faculties for seats in affiliated colleges for the academic year 2020 - 2021.
PhD Entrance Exam -2020 is being conducted for the purpose of determining the eligibility for admission of students to Medical /Dental/Pharmacy/AYUSH and faculties for the academic year 2020-2021.
All the interested candidates are requested to view the details of the brochure for the PhD entrance test mentioned below as uploaded by the varsity on its official website.
Sl No | Events | Dates |
1. | Date of Notification | 14/01/2020 |
2. | Hosting of the Brochure and Application form on the website | 16/01/2020 |
3. | Last date for online Payment | 10/02/2020 Before 05.00 P.M |
4. | Last date for receipt of print-out of applications filled online by Post or In person before 5-00 P.M at RGUHS. | 15/02/2020 |
5. | Date of availability of Hall-Ticket for the Eligible candidates | 28/02/2020 |
6. | Date of Entrance Exam | 06/03/2020 |
7. | Provisional result | First week of April 2020 |
8. | Submission of preliminary Synopsis by qualified candidates | 22/05/2020 |
9. | Commencement of Session | August 2020 |
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences is also committed to promoting research activities, both in basic and applied aspects in various faculties of Health Sciences such as Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Indian System of Medicine including Homoeopathy, Nursing and other Allied Health Sciences in the institutions/colleges affiliated to this University.
A Post Graduate qualification in the concerned specialization and faculty.
The Students who score 50% and above marks in the Entrance Examination are declared qualified for admission as per calendar of events and such marks are valid for two terms (for that academic year and next academic year).
3a: Medical: Candidates with M.D. or M.S or Medical P.G. Diploma, M.Sc. in medical subjects under Medical Faculty (3years course from a Medical College) are eligible for enrollment for the PhD course in concerned subjects only.
3b: Dental: Candidates with MDS or Dental PG Diploma are Eligible for enrollment of PhD Course in Dentistry in concerned subjects only.
3c: Physiotherapy: Candidates with a PG degree in Physiotherapy i.e., MPT degree awarded by this University or a Master's degree considered as equivalent by RGUHS are eligible for enrollment to the PhD course in Physiotherapy in concerned subjects only.
3d: Health Sciences Library and Information System (HSLIS): Candidates with Masters Degree in Library and Information Sciences or a Degree considered as equivalent by RGUHS are eligible for enrollment to the PhD course in Health Sciences Library and Information System (HSLIS). Preference will be given to the candidates who have completed the PGDHL course from RGUHS.
3e: Pharmacy: Candidates with M.Pharm, Pharm‐D and Pharm – D (PB) degree awarded by this University or a College/University recognized by AICTE/PCI/RGUHS or a P.G. Degree in Pharmacy considered as equivalent by RGUHS, are eligible for enrollment for the PhD course in Pharmacy.
• Candidates with Pharm‐D degree are eligible to register for PhD in Pharmacy Practice only.
• Candidates with M‐Pharm in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy are eligible to register for PhD in any one of the 3 subjects.
• Candidates with M‐Pharm in Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Analysis are eligible to register for PhD in any one of the 2 subjects.
3f: Indian System of Medicine (Ayush)
i) Ayurveda
Candidates with Ayurveda Vachaspathi (M.D (Ayu) )/ Ayurveda Dhanvanthari (MS (Ayu) in Ayurveda awarded by RGUHS or an equivalent P.G. qualification awarded by any other College/University recognized by CCIM/RGUHS are eligible for enrollment for the PhD course in concerned subjects of Ayurved.
ii) Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences:
Candidates with a P.G. degree in Naturopathy & Yogic sciences awarded by RGUHS on equivalent qualification in the concerned speciality from an institution recognized by RGUHS/CCRYN are eligible for enrollment for the PhD course in Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences.
iii) Unani
Candidates with a post-graduate degree in Unani, awarded by RGUHS or an equivalent qualification awarded by a College/University recognized by CCIM/RGUHS in the concerned speciality are eligible for enrollment for PhD course in concerned subjects of Unani.
iv) Homoeopathy:
Candidates with M.D. in Homoeopathy degree awarded by this University or an equivalent P.G. qualification awarded by a College/ University recognized by CCH/RGUHS are eligible for enrollment for a PhD course in concerned Subjects of Homoeopathy.
3g: Nursing: Candidates with M.Sc/M. Phil in Nursing degree awarded by this University or a College/University recognized by INC or a P.G. Degree in Nursing considered as equivalent by RGUHS/INC are eligible for enrollment for the PhD course in concerned subjects of Nursing.
3h: Allied Health Sciences:
(i) Radiation Physics: The Following are eligible for enrolment for PhD in Radiation Physics
(a) Candidates with M.Sc in Radiation Physics awarded by RGUHS (OR)
(b) M.Sc in Medical Physics (2 years course with one-year internship) awarded by other University considered as equivalent by RGUHS (OR)
(c) M.Sc Physics + One-year Diploma in Radiological Physics
(ii) Clinical Psychology: The Following are eligible for enrolment for PhD in Clinical Psychology
(a) Candidates with M.Sc in Clinical Psychology awarded by RGUHS (OR)
(b) M.Sc in Clinical Psychology awarded by other University considered as equivalent by RGUHS (OR)
(c)M.Phil in Clinical Psychology with M.Sc in Clinical Psychology
Foreign Nationals / NRIs intending to register for PhD Programme should obtain an equivalence certificate from AIU and Eligibility Certificate from RGUHS before admission.
The postgraduate qualified Candidates from other Universities applying for PhD Registration are required to obtain an eligibility certificate by paying the eligibility fees as prescribed for PG Programme by RGUHS.
All foreign nationals irrespective of their PG Studies in India (including RGUHS) or abroad are required to obtain an eligibility certificate by paying eligibility fees and submission of copies of a valid passport, visa and police permission for a residential permit for a stay in India.
The M.Sc degree holders, after their PhD, shall confine themselves only to provide research inputs and perform investigative procedures. They are not permitted to treat patients.
4.1. The period of training for PhD as per MCI shall be two years for candidates who possess M.D/M.S/P.G. Diploma, and for three years for candidates possessing M.Sc. in medical subjects under Medical Faculty (3years course from a Medical College)
4.2: Where the Candidate, PhD guide and the research department are in the same institution, the Course duration for the full-time course is three years and for a part-time course, it is five years for all faculty except those under 4.1.
4.3: Where the guide and research department are from one institution and the candidate is from another institution affiliated to RGUHS, the minimum course duration for Part-time PhD shall be or five years.
The registration of candidates for PhD will not be considered, if the candidate, guide and research department are in three different places.
4.4: The Ph. D. programme in all other subjects except those cited at 4.1 above shall be for a minimum duration of three years for a full-time course and five years for a part-time course. The maximum duration shall be seven years including course work from the date of his/her provisional registration for all other faculty.
4.5: Extension beyond the above limits may be considered by the Ph. D. Registration committee of the respective faculty on case to case basis, only in exceptional cases, for a maximum period of one year, based on the representation submitted by the student and the guide.
4.6: The women candidates and Persons with Disability (more than 40% disability) may be allowed a relaxation of two years for Ph. D. in the maximum duration.
4.7: The women candidates may be provided Maternity Leave/Child Care Leave once in the entire duration of Ph. D. for up to 240 days.
Note: In case of relocation of a Ph. D. woman scholar due to marriage or otherwise, the research data shall be allowed to be transferred to the University to which the scholar intends to relocate, with prior consent of the Guide provided all the other conditions in these regulations are followed in letter and spirit and the research work does not pertain to the project secured by the parent institution/ Guide from any funding agency. The scholar will, however, give due credit to the parent guide and the institution for the part of research already done. This relocation should be done with the approval of the PhD Registration committee of the respective faculty.
4.8: The contact period for Part-time PhD Student shall be 45 days for every 6 months. The candidate has to submit the attendance certificate duly signed by the Guide and the Principal for this period through proper Channel along with half-yearly reports.
4.9: Part-Time facility provided for pursuing PhD Programme can be availed ONLY by teaching faculty working in colleges affiliated to RGUHS and eligible candidates working in the department of different Institutions/ Industry/ Hospitals recognized by RGUHS as PhD research centres.
5.1. All the candid intending to register for Ph. D. programme sh ate all appear for the entrance test conducted by the University
5.1.a. An Entrance Test shall be a qualifying test with qualifying marks as 50%. The test consists of two papers, conducted over two sessions of one and a half hours each. The syllabus of the first paper consists of Basics of research methodology and will carry 50 marks. The Second theory paper which will be subject-specific, preferably short notes with the competence of PG standard short not will carry 50 marks. The Entrance Test shall be conducted at the Centre(s) notified by the University.
5.1.b. An interview/viva-voce to be organized by the University for the candidates who successfully clear the entrance and are selected for the Ph. D. course to discuss their research interest/area through a presentation before a duly constituted University PhD Registration committee of the respective faculty.
5.1.c. The interview/viva voce will also consider the following aspects, viz whether
i. To evaluate the research aptitude of the applicants
ii. The candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research.
iii. The research work can be suitably undertaken at the Institution/College.
iv. The proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge.
5.2. There will be only one stream of admission annually. The eligibility secured at the entrance test is valid for admission as per calendar of events and such marks are valid for two terms (for that academic year and next academic year).
5.3. The Colleges under the university which are allowed to conduct Ph. D. programmes shall decide on an annual basis through their academic bodies, a predetermined and manageable number of PhD scholars to be admitted, depending on the number of available Research Guides (not exceeding the permissible number of Scholars in each department) and other academic and physical facilities available. They shall follow the norms regarding the scholar‐ guide ratio, laboratory, library and such other facilities.
5.4. The University will notify well in advance through the University website regarding the criteria for admission, the procedure for admission, details of entrance test centre(s) and all other relevant information for the benefit of the candidates.
5.5 The University shall maintain the list of all the Ph. D. registered students on its website on the year‐wise basis. The list shall include the name of the registered candidate, the topic of his/her research, name of his/ her Guide/co‐Guide and date of enrollment/registration.
• Only Teaching/Research faculty working full time in the Institutions /Colleges affiliated to RGUHS can act as a Guide. The external Guides are not allowed.
The Co‐ Guide from other departments of the same institute or from other related institutions can be allowed in related inter-disciplinary research activities with the approval of the Ph. D. Registration committee of the respective faculty.
• The Guide should not have completed 57 years of age at the time of registration of the candidate for Ph.D course under him/her provided the guide continues to work as a full time teacher in the Institutions /Colleges affiliated with the RGUHS.
• In case of Medical faculty (as per MCI norms), the Guide should not have completed 67 years of age at the time of registration of the candidate for Ph.D course under him/her provided the guide continues to work as a full time teacher in the Institutions /Colleges affiliated with the RGUHS. However the guides, who have attained age of 57 years, need to submit a letter from the management stating that they shall be continued after 60 years to be eligible to issue NOC to the candidates
• In case the student is not in a position to complete the work prior to the guide's retirement, it is the duty of the guide to hand over the candidate to another recognized guide from the department after obtaining prior permission from the University OR get an extension letter from the Dean/Principal of the current Institution stating that the Guide continues to be full time teacher even after retirement until the student submits the thesis to the University.
• A recognized guide may register as a student for part time / full time Ph.D programme provided he/she shall arrange for Transfer of their Research students to another guide subject to approval by Ph.D. committee
• Ph.D Guideship will not be issued to a PhD Scholar while pursuing Ph.D study irrespective of his eligibility.
• A Recognized Guide desirous of pursuing Ph.D. shall not be permitted to continue as Member of Ph. D committee of RGUHS and similarly, no Ph.D. Research scholar shall be appointed as RGUHS Ph.D committee member.
• With the consent of current Registered Guide, any request for Change of Guide may be permitted
6.1. Medical:
a. Guides & Co-Guides from Teaching Institutions:
1. Qualification: MD /MS or MD/MS with Ph.D.
2. Total Teaching / Research Experience of 15 years after PG Qualification
3. PG Teaching Experience 10 years
4. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate student Dissertations
5. Published Five original Publications as 1st, or Corresponding Author (PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications)
b. Guides & Co-Guides from other Research Institutions:
1. Qualification: MD /MS or MD/MS with Ph.D.
2. Total Research Experience of 15 years after PG Qualification
3. Conducted and completed five Research Projects.
4. Five original Publications as 1st, or Corresponding Author ( PubMed Publications, Other MCI approved Publications,)
5. Minimum of one National or International Grants as Principal Investigator or Co‐Principal Investigator.
6. Should be a full time research faculty. Visiting faculty are not eligible.
6.2. Dental:
a. Guide and Co-guides in Teaching Institutions (for teachers with MDS qualification)
1. Qualification: MDS
2. Total teaching /Research experience of 15 years after PG Qualification.
3. PG teaching experience of 10 years.
4. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate Dissertations
b. Guide and Co-guides in Teaching Institutions
1. Qualification: MDS with Ph.D
2. Total teaching experience of 10 years after PG Qualifications inclusive of Ph.D training period.
3. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate Dissertations
4. Published 5 original Publications in Pubmed indexed or DCI approved Journals as Ist author / corresponding author.
c. Guides & Co-Guides from other Research Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.D.S. or M.D.S. with Ph.D.
2. Total Research Experience of 15 years after PG Qualification
3. Conducted and completed five Research Projects.
4. Five original Publications as 1st, or Corresponding Author ( PubMed Publications, Other DCI approved Publications)
5. Minimum of one National or International Grants as Principal Investigator or Co‐Principal Investigator.
6. Should be a full time research faculty. Visiting faculty are not eligible.
6.3. Physiotherapy:
1. Qualification: MPT/ MPT with Ph.D in Physiotherapy OR MD/MS from relevant subjects of Medical faculty related to Physiotherapy such as Orthopedics, Respiratory Medicine, Pediatrics, Community Medicine, D M (Neurology) and M.ch (Cardio Thoracic Vascular Surgery).
2. PG Teaching Experience 10 years for MPT qualification and PG Teaching Experience 5 years for MPT with Ph.D qualification (This period shall be other than Ph.D course duration)
3. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate student dissertations.
4. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author: (PubMed Publications, Other publications in indexed journals)
The teachers who have acquired Ph.D qualifications from other Universities/institutions where Physiotherapy course is not available, such teachers are not eligible to be recognized as Ph.D guides in Physiotherapy by RGUHS.
6.4. Health Sciences Library and Information System (HSLIS):
1. Qualifications : Ph.D.in Library Sciences
2. PG Teaching Experience 10 years.
3. Guided and submitted Five Post Graduate students dissertations.
4. Five Publications as 1st ,2nd or Corrosponing Author:(PubMed Publications, Other publications in indexed journals)
6.5. Pharmacy:
a. Guide & Co-guides in Teaching Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.Pharm with Ph.D.
2. Total teaching experience of 10 years.
3. PG Teaching Experience 5 years(this period shall be other than Ph.D Course duration).
4. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate students dissertations.
5. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author: ( PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications,)
1. Faculty with Pharm‐D degree are eligible to Guide for Ph.D in Pharmacy Practice only.
2. Faculty with Ph.D in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy are eligible to Guide Ph.D in anyone of the 3 subjects.
3. Faculty with Ph.D in Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Analysis are eligible to Guide Ph.D in any one of the 2 subjects.
4. However the recognized Ph.D Guides in these departments may avail the change in the subjects only once in their service.
b. Guide & Co-guides in Research Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.Pharm with Ph.D.
2. Research Experience of 5 years after obtaining Ph.D Degree.
3. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author:( PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications,)
4. Should have conducted minimum of one research with National or International Grants as PI/Co PI
5. Should be a full time research faculty. Visiting faculty are not eligible.
6.6. Indian System Of Medicine (AYUSH)
a. Guide & Co-guides in Teaching Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.D./M.S. In concerned specialty with Ph.D.
2. PG Teaching Experience 5 years in the concerned Speciality (this period shall be other than Ph.D Course duration).
3. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate students dissertations.
4. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author: (PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications,)
b. Guide & Co-guides in Research Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.D./M.S. In concerned specialty with Ph.D.
2. Research Experience of 5 years after obtaining Ph.D Degree.
3. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author:( PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications)
4. Should have conducted minimum of one research with National or International Grants as PI/Co PI.
5. Should be a full time research faculty. Visiting faculty are not eligible.
c. Non Ph.D Guide & Coguides in Teaching Institutions
1. Qualification: M.D./M.S. in concerned specialty
2. PG Teaching Experience 10 years in concerned Speciality.
3. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate student dissertations.
4. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author (PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications)
6.7. Nursing
a. Guide & Coguides in Teaching Institutions:
1. Qualification: M.Sc.(Nursing) with Ph.D.
2. PG Teaching Experience 5 years(this period shall be other than Ph.D Course duration).
3. Guided and submitted 5 Post Graduate student dissertations.
4. Five Original Publications as 1st , 2nd, or Corresponding Author:( PubMed Publications, Other apex body approved Publications).
a) The maximum number of Full time or part time candidates a guide can supervise shall not exceed four
(4) at any given time.
b) Whenever the number of candidates registered under a Guide has reached the maximum, a Guide becomes eligible to supervise another Ph.D. candidate only after the submission of the thesis by any one of the Ph.D. candidates already registered under him/her.
c) A recognized Ph.D. department at any given point of time can have only Six (06) Ph.D. scholars in case of Medical, Dental & AYUSH and Nursing irrespective of number of available guides in the department.
d) But in case of Pharmacy the department can have maximum of Ten (10) Ph.D. students at any given point of time irrespective of number of available guides in the department.
e) A candidate may have one Co‐Guide from another department, duly recognized by the Ph.D Registration Committee of the University in addition to the Guide from the concerned specialty.
f) All Guides shall normally be residents within the jurisdiction of Research centre and should be the recognized by the University as Ph. D. Guides based on the recommendation of the Ph.D Registration Committee of the respective faculty.
g) A Guide recognized by the University is not eligible to Guide any other Ph.D students from any other University.
Ph.D Committee shall consist of
a. Dean of Faculty - Chairman
b. BOS Chairman PG Studies - Member
c. Past Dean - Special Invitee
d. Two Senior Faculty - Members
e. Two Subject Experts - Special Invitee
f. Director R&D - Member Secretary
a) After provisional registration, every candidate shall submit the half yearly progress reports regularly as desired by the university in the prescribed format through the Guide to the Registrar of the University with a copy to the Head of the Department concerned and Head of the Institution. The half yearly progress report will be assessed by the subject experts and comments/observations will be communicated to the concerned candidate and Guide. Every such half yearly report shall be submitted for the period from 1st January to the end of June and from 1st July to the end of December. However, the very first report for the fraction of six months period shall be submitted ending either in June or December. The accepted reports shall be ratified by the Ph.D registration Committee.
b) All Ph. D. candidates while submitting their current progress report should submit the summary of each of his/her previous half yearly progress reports in order and suggestions made by the previous reviewers along with university letters sent to the candidates for approval of the current report. All Ph. D. candidates should submit their half yearly progress reports in the prescribed format issued by the University.
In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory, the Ph. D. Registration committee of the respective faculty shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the Ph. D. Registration committee of the respective faculty may recommend to the Institution/College with specific reasons for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.
The candidate who submits the same report/s as previous shall be called for the presentation of the progress report before Ph. D. Registration committee of the respective faculty.
All the Ph. D. students should maintain a Logbook, duly signed by the Guide & Head of the department/Institution and should be made available at time of inspection and examination.
c) The Research project submitted by the candidates should have been cleared by the appropriately constituted Institutional Ethics Committee at the college level (respectively for experiments on human subjects and / or animals) before the submission of the 1st progress report by the candidates.
d) If two consecutive half-yearly progress reports are not satisfactory, the PhD Registration committee of the respective faculty may recommend to the University for Cancellation of the registration of the respective candidate
10. PRE PhD EXAM: The candidate will be eligible to appear for the Pre PhD Examination only after the completion of one year from commencement of the PhD course, provided his/her first and Second half-yearly progress reports are found satisfactory. The Provisional PhD Registration of the candidate will be confirmed only after the candidate passes the Pre Ph. D Examination.
The candidates possessing UGC approved M.Phil degree or MCI approved DM/M.Ch/MD/MS and PG Diploma are exempted from appearing for Pre PhD Examination.
a) The scheme for Pre PhD examination to be conducted by the University shall be as follows:
i. Two written papers each of three hours duration and each carrying maximum of 100 marks.
PAPER I: Research Methodology related to the area of research.
PAPER-II: Topics related to the specialized subject under which the topic/area of research is undertaken.
ii. A Viva‐Voce examination carrying a maximum of 100 marks for candidates who have passed the theory examination.
b) The syllabi for both papers for each candidate shall be prescribed by the concerned Guide which will be communicated to the Registrar (Evaluation) of the University as well as the candidate at least one month earlier to the examination.
c) Conduct of Pre PhD Examination
i. The PhD Registration Committee along with the names suggested by the concerned Guides shall prepare an exhaustive panel of both external and internal examiners and recommend the same to the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar (E) for approval. The University / Registrar (E) will then constitute a Board of Examiners for the conduct of the Pre PhD Examination.
ii. The Board of Examiners for the Pre PhD Examination (theory) consists of the following:
1. Internal Examiner (other than the guide).
2. One external examiner has chosen by the University.
Note: The examiner shall fulfil the criteria for eligibility similar to PhD Guides as per RGUHS Ordinance.
iii. The Internal Examiner and External Examiner chose by the Registrar (E) from the panel of examiner will set two papers each and send their respective question papers separately in a sealed cover to the Registrar (Evaluation) who will conduct theory examination and send the answer scripts to the examiners for valuation.
iv. There shall be the double valuation of the answer scripts of Paper‐I and Paper-II by the same examiners who have set the question papers. The marks lists shall be sent by the examiners directly to the Registrar (Evaluation).
v. If the difference of the marks in the valuation between the external and the internal examiner exceeds 15%, the concerned answer scripts will be evaluated by a third Examiner.
vi. The candidate should secure a minimum of 60% marks in each of the written papers to pass the Examination.
vii. The viva-voce examination shall be conducted after the candidates have passed in the theory papers by a panel consisting of:
1) Internal Examiner ( guide)
2) External Examiner (any one of the two examiners who have set the theory papers and valued the answer scripts).
viii. After the Viva‐Voce examination, the marks shall be consolidated and sent to the Registrar (Evaluation) by the Chairman for further consolidation and announcement of results.
ix. The results will be announced according to the following grading system.
Grade | Result (Inclusive of theory and Viva Marks) |
A | A student securing marks 75% and above should be declared to have passed in the said examination with distinction |
B | A student securing marks between 60‐74% should be declared to have passed in the said examination |
C | A student securing marks less than 60% should be declared to have failed in the said examination |
In case the candidate is not successful in the Pre PhD Examination in the first attempt he/she may be given one more chance to appear for the entire examination after a period of six months.
If the candidate is not successful in the Pre PhD examination, even in the second appearance, his/her provisional registration shall stand cancelled. Provisional registration of the candidates will be confirmed only after they pass the Pre PhD examination.
11.1 Submission of final synopsis
All the PhD candidates should submit a final synopsis containing the summary of the research work done (Two Soft & Hard Copies) to RGUHS before submission of a thesis. All PhD candidates before submitting their final synopsis shall present his/her research work before the Guide, External Examiner and Observer from concerned speciality on a suitable date fixed by the University and should get approval for writing the final synopsis and thesis.
11.2 Publication of research papers
All Ph. D. Candidates before submitting PhD Thesis to the university should have published a minimum of three research papers related to their research topic during their course of PhD, with one publication by the student as the 1st author and other two as first or second author in the indexed journals before submitting the final Thesis. These publications shall be verified by the Department of Library, RGUHS.
11.3 Plagiarism
The Academic Council (or its equivalent body) of the Institution shall evolve a mechanism using well-developed software and gadgets to detect plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. While submitting for evaluation, the thesis shall have an undertaking from the research scholar and a certificate from the Research Guide attesting to the originality of the work, vouching that there is no plagiarism (the permissible similarity should not exceed 15% of total contents) and that the work has not been submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma of the same Institution where the work was carried out, or to any other Institution. It is mandatory for plagiarism check for PhD thesis submitted before sending it for evaluation.
11.4 Submission and Evaluation of Thesis
Each candidate for the award of PhD Degree shall submit three copies(Soft & Hard Copies) of his/her Thesis not earlier than the prescribed minimum period and not later than the prescribed maximum period.
The PhD thesis submitted by a research scholar shall be evaluated by at least two external examiners (who are not teachers of the Institutions affiliated to RGUHS) of whom one examiner may be from outside the country.
The viva‐voce examination, based among other things, on the critiques given in the evaluation report, shall be conducted by the Research Guide and at least one of the two external examiners and shall be open to be attended by Members of the PhD Committee, all faculty members of the Department, other research scholars and other interested experts/researchers.
Based on the reports of the examiners, the University shall Award the PhD Degree after the recommendations are approved.
The Academic, administrative and infrastructure required to be fulfilled by Colleges for getting recognition for offering Ph. D. programmes are as follows:
A candidate shall be permitted to pursue research activities for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in any one of the following institutions:
a. Departments run by RGUHS
b. Post Graduate Departments of Colleges/Institutions affiliated to RGUHS:‐
1. Recognized as having necessary infrastructure and facilities such as exclusive research laboratories with sophisticated equipment, provision for adequate space per research scholar along with computer facilities and essential software, and uninterrupted power and water supply for carrying out research in the subject of study concerned.
2. Provided that the department has at least one qualified Guide.
3. Offering the Postgraduate course for a minimum period of five years in the concerned subject.
4. The Post Graduate Department of the said colleges should have been approved by University as a recognized PhD centre.
5. Colleges may also access the required facilities of the neighbouring Institutions/ Colleges, or of those Institutions/Colleges/R&D laboratories / Organizations which have the required facilities through an MoU.
) Any other non‐teaching research institution duly recognized by this University for conducting research leading to the award of Ph. D degree on the recommendations of an expert committee appointed by the Syndicate.
Any non-teaching institutions seeking recognition for Ph. D programmes:
1) Should be a centre of academic excellence and repute or Institute of National Importance
2) Should have been actively functioning and should have been in existence for at least 5 years.
3) Should be a centre of research activity as evidenced by ongoing research projects funded/ sponsored by reputed agencies like ICMR, AICTE, DST, UGC etc.,
4) Should have published Five research papers in the peer-reviewed scientific journals or indexed journals.
5) Should have specifically equipped research labs with the requisite infrastructure and facilities for the proposed Ph. D programme.
6) The Department proposes to start the Ph. D programme in the institution should have at least three staff members with required PG qualification in the concerned speciality and a total of 10 years Post Graduate teaching or research experience.
Fee Structure:
The fee structure could be similar as per the existing fee structure for the PhD programme in the teaching institutions. (Vide University notification No.ACA/ORD‐23/97‐98(Part II) dated 07.07.2005.Institutions/Colleges desirous of seeking recognition of their Departments by the University as PhD study centres may contact the Affiliation section of the University for obtaining the application form on payment of the prescribed fee.
All PhD study centres both teaching and non‐teaching institutions shall seek renewal of recognition every three years on payment of prescribed fees
13.1 Following the successful completion of the evaluation process and before the announcement of the award of the Ph. D. degree(s), the Institution concerned shall submit an electronic copy of the Ph.D. thesis to the RGUHS Library, for hosting the same in RGUHS website so as to make it accessible to all Institutions/Colleges.
13.2 Prior to the actual award of the degree, the degree‐awarding Institution shall issue a provisional certificate to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of these UGC Regulations, 2016.
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