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PG Medical, Dental Admissions in Telangana: KNRUHS issues notice regarding Final Phase of Mop Up Round; Details

Telangana: Through a recent notification, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) Telangana has informed regarding the Final Phase of Mop Up Round Online Counselling for PG Medical/Dental Admissions.
Candidates who are vying for admissions in PG medical and dental courses at Telangana based medical and dental colleges can check the notification details mentioned below along with the counselling schedule.
The recently uploaded notice on the official website of the KNRUHS clearly states that FINAL Phase (Mop-Up Round) of online counseling will be conducted to fill up vacant seats under Management Quota i.e., Not allotted seats after 2nd phase, vacancies due to not-joined / discontinuation and also the vacancies that may arise due to sliding of candidates during the process of Final phase itself) of PG Medical / Dental courses in Private Non-Minority Medical & Dental Colleges / Minority Medical Colleges affiliated to KNRUHS Telangana State for the academic year 2019-20.
The candidates whose names are displayed in the Management Quota final Merit List for PG Medical Courses on 18-05-2019 and in the Management Quota final merit list for PG Dental Courses ( MDS ) on 15-04-2019 in KNRUHS web-site, are informed to attend for verification of Original certificates and Final Phase ( Mop-Up Round) of on-line counseling as per the schedule given below.
Candidates have to come for Online Counseling with all original certificates, Demand Draft (D.D) for University fee, printout of application form and One (1) set of self attested Xerox copies. Eligible candidates will be called into counseling hall for on-line counseling and allotment of Post-Graduate Medical & Dental seats as per eligibility as per the schedule notified below. Candidates who are admitted under Management Quota in the previous phases of counseling and who wish to slide to other course / college can also attend with custodian certificates issued by the Principal of concerned college. Only candidate is permitted into the hall after verification of Original Certificates and on production of Demand Draft towards University fee. Candidates will have to give options on-line for PG seat and allotment will be done on-line.
Date | Time | Rank Nos. as per merit list | Category MQ-1, MQ-2,MQ-3. |
21 .05.2019 | 8.00 AM | 01 to Last | All the candidates, whose names are displayed in the KNRUHS website merit list for admission into PG Medical Courses under Management Quota for Muslim Minority Category. |
9.00 AM. | 01 to Last | All the candidates, whose names are displayed in the KNRUHS website merit list for admission into PG Medical Courses under Management Quota for NRICategory ( MQ-2) | |
10.AM | 01 to 200 | All the candidates, whose names are displayed in the KNRUHS website merit list for admission into PG Medical Courses under Management Quota. | |
11.00 AM | 201 to 400 | ||
12.00 Noon. | 401 to 600 | ||
1.00 P.M. | 601 to Last Rank |
Date | Time | Rank Nos as per merit list | Category MQ-1, MQ-2, MQ-3 |
21 .05.2019 | 2.00 P.M | 01 rank to 150 | All the candidates, whose names are displayed in the KNRUHS website Management Quota merit list for admission into MDS Course under Management Category. |
3.00 P.M. | 151 rank to Last Rank. |
Processing Fee:
Candidates have to pay non-refundable processing fee of Rs.2500/- at the Bank counter at Helpline Centers at the time of verification of original certificates. ( For candidates who have not paid processing fee in the earlier phases of counseling for Management Quota ).
The candidates who have been allotted seats in the previous phases of counseling and who have not joined / discontinued the course after joining are not eligible to attend for Final Phase ( Mop-Up Round) of on-line counseling.
Candidates who have joined the course in All India Quota / Deemed Universities Counseling are not eligible to attend for Final Phase ( Mop-Up Round) of online counselling as per the orders of Hon'ble Supreme Court. Candidates who are already admitted under Competent Authority Quota are also not eligible for Management Quota admissions in the Mop-up round.
The details of seats available for Mop-up round in P.G. Medical and MDS Courses will be displayed on KNRUHS website before counselling. ( Not allotted seats and not joined seats / discontinued seats )
Candidates attending for Online Counseling should produce the following Original Certificates at the help-line center.
a. NEET PG-2019 / NEET MDS– 2019 admit card and Rank card
b. Aadhar Card
c. Date of Birth Certificate (X class / SSC Certificate )
d. Intermediate / 12th standard certificate
e. MBBS/ BDS Degree certificate
f. Certificate of Internship completion.
g. All marks memos from1st MBBS / 1st BDS to final MBBS/ BDS.
h. Medical / Dental Council Permanent Registration Certificate:
i. Study Certificates from 1st MBBS / 1st BDS to final MBBS/ BDS.
j. Permanent Category / Caste certificate in case of BC/SC/ST candidates issued by competent authority of Government of Telangana, if applicable for eligibility of qualifying marks.
k. Discontinuation Certificate if applicable
l. Photo identity proof viz .PAN card / Passport / Driving License / Voter'sID.
m. Sponsorship certificate for MQ-3 Category students from the Principal of concerned college.
n. For NRI Candidates Sponsorship letter from NRI relative along with copy of Pass Port / Residence proof / Bank Statement or Pass book of sponsor.
Instructions to Candidates:
I. Only candidates shall appear with Original Certificates for on-line counseling in person as per schedule notified. Candidates are informed to be present 15 minutes before their allotted slot. Cell phones are not permitted into the on-line counseling hall. Proxies are not allowed.
II. All the Candidates attending for Online Counseling shall bring One (1) set of self attested Xerox copies of all the certificates along with original certificates and Demand Draft for University fee. Custodian certificates will not be permitted.
III. Only the Original Custodian Certificates of candidates admitted under Management Quota for the academic year 2019-20 in colleges affiliated to KNRUHS, issued by the Principal of the concerned college will be permitted.
IV. Mere attending for Online Counseling does not confer any right for a seat as more number of candidates have applied than the number of available seats.
V. Candidates have to attend for on-line counseling with D.D. for Rs. 49,600/- in favor of registrar, KNRUHS, payable at Warangal for university fee. candidate will not be permitted into counseling hall without DD towards University fee.
VI. Seat Matrix of available seats for Final phase ( Mop-up Round ) of online counseling wil be displayed on KNR UHS website one day before Online Counseling. Candidates are advised to check the seat matrix for available seats
before attending for online counseling.
VII. Muslim Minority candidates will be called first and will be considered for seats in Minority Medical Colleges for category MQ-1 & MQ-2, if Muslim Minority candidates are not available the seats will be allotted to any Candidate of
Management Quota as per merit in this Mop-up round. ( To be conducted as per the orders of Hon'ble High Court )
VIII. Candidates eligible for NRI Quota will be called next and allotted available PG seats under NRI Category. If any seats under NRI Category remain vacant after all candidates eligible for NRI Category have given options, those seats will be allotted to candidates registered under MQ-1 Category as per merit. The fee structure for these seats will be the same as of NRI Category.
IX. Candidates are permitted to slide within the Management Quota in KNR UHS, if seats are available excluding MQ-3 Category. ( Institutional quota ). The seat vacated by the slided candidate will be available for allotment to the next meritorious candidate.
X. Candidates who are allotted seats under Management Quota have to take the allotment order and shall join the course at the allotted college within the specified date without fail with all Original Certificates, Bond and pay the tuition fee to complete the process of admission.
XI. A candidate, who is allotted seat as per his/her option in this phase of on-line counseling, should join compulsorily in the allotted seat. Otherwise, the candidate will be debarred for Three (3) years in future PG admissions under KNRUHS besides Discontinuation / Fine amount of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs.
XII. The candidates who have joined the P.G. Course in previous phases of Management Quota Counseling and wish to change their college/course according to their merit, can give their on-line options. Candidates are informed that, once PG seat is allotted in this phase ( Mop-Up Round) of counseling as per their options, the seat allotted in the earlier Phases of counseling is automatically cancelled and re-allotted to other candidates in this
phase itself.
XIII. Candidates who withdraw from the course after Final phase of counseling (mop up round)will have to pay discontinuation / fine amount of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs, tuition fee for entire course and will be debarred for 3 years for admission in KNRUHS. The Original Certificates of candidates will be returned after 15-06- 2019.
XIV. Candidates who have joined already under Management Quota and are re-allotted a seat in this round need not pay the University fee again. They should get relieved from the first college, take the receipt of Original Certificates ( Custodian Certificate),Tuition fee and submit the same at the college allotted in Final Phase ( Mop-Up Round). The Original Certificates of the candidate will be transferred to the new allotted college after closure of admissions
XV. The University fee and other fee once paid shall not be refunded under any
XVI. University will return the Original Certificates along with the DD towards University fee for candidates who are not allotted any seat.
XVII. Candidates applied for NRI Quota should produce the relevant sponsorship letter from NRI Relative in original along with copy of Passport / Residence proof / Bank Statement or Pass Book of Sponsor for the NRI Category.
XVIII. Candidates applied for institutional quota should produce relevant letter from the concerned institution duly signed by the concerned Principal of the college specifically mentioning the Post Graduate Course and subject to which the candidate is sponsored.
XIX. Management Quota seat for MDS Course at Army Dental College are reserved for wards of Army personnel only as per AWES Regulations.
for more details click on the link given below:
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