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PGIMER issues notice on Nursing Officer Recruitment Exam 2020; Details

Chandigarh: The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh has released the Examination Schedule for the posts of Nursing Officer among others which is scheduled to be held on 02.03.2020
The notice clearly states:
It is for information of all the candidates who have applied in response to Advertisement issued for recruitment to various categories of posts meant for Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh and further Notice vide which a list of candidates who have submitted the prescribed application fee within time was uploaded on the website of the Institute that the Online Computer Based Test (CBT) for the following posts will be conducted as per following schedule:-
Sr. No. | Name of the Post(s) | Date of online examination (CBT) | Reporting time | Date from which admit card can be downloaded from the website of the Institute i.e. www.pgimer.edu.in |
Advt. No.PGI/RC/010/2019/3765 Dated: 07.09.2019 | ||||
1. | Public Relation Officer | 02.03.2020 | 7.30 AM | 18.02.2020 |
2. | Junior Technician (Radiotherapy) | 02.03.2020 | 7.30 AM | 18.02.2020 |
Advt. No.PGI/RC/011/2019/4536 Dated: 22.10.2019 | ||||
3. | Nursing Officer | 02.03.2020 | 7.30 AM | 18.02.2020 |
4. | Assistant Dietician | 02.03.2020 | 7.30 AM | 18.02.2020 |
5. | Data Entry Operator Grade 'A' | 02.03.2020 | 7.30 AM | 18.02.2020 |
The CBT for the post of Nursing Officer will be held in single shift in twenty (20) cities i.e. Ambala, Hamirpur, Shimla, Chandigarh/Mohali, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Ajmer, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Sikar, Udaipur, Delhi, Greater Noida, Roorkee, Kolkata, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Thrissur whereas the CBT for the post of Public Relation Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade 'A' will be held in one city i.e. Ghaziabad and Junior Technician (Radiotherapy), Assistant Dietician will be held in one city i.e. Gurugram in the same shift.
The exact details regarding roll number, venue of examination, time and date of the online computer based test and other terms and conditions to be followed by the candidates during the said examination will be mentioned on the Admit Cards which will be available for downloading by the candidates on the website of the Institute www.pgimer.edu.in as per above schedule.
The candidates are also informed that for that said posts the result of online examination (Computer Based Test) to be conducted on the said date will be declared within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of online examination. Thereafter, the shortlisted candidates will be required to submit an offline application on a given format to be uploaded on the website of the Institute alongwith result so as to enable the Institute to scrutinize the applications as per the recruitment rules of the post. The offline application so submitted by the shortlisted candidate should be supported with all requisite documents. Only the candidate, who will be found eligible, will be finally selected on the basis of merit in online examination (CBT). Candidates are, thus, advised to visit PGIMER website regularly.
Important instructions for persons with disabilities seeking assistant of Scribe
As per instructions/guidelines issued by the Government of India vide OM No.34- 02/2015-DD.III dated 29.8.2018 modified vide corrigendum F.No.34-02/2015-DD.III(pt) dated 8.2.2019, the facility of Scribe / Reader / Lab Assistant and extra time would be allowed to a person with benchmark disability (blindness, locomotor disability- both arm affected & cerebral palsy) as defined under Section 2 (r) of the RPwD Act, 2016 and having limitation in writing including that of speed if so desired by him/ her. For engaging the scribe, candidates will have to fill in the necessary details and have to send the necessary information alongwith his complete details i.e. application number, candidate's name, date of birth, post applied for etc. and the requisite documents as mentioned below in this regard to the PGIMER through email id: aorcpgi@gmail.com within a week's time i.e. upto 07.02.2020. In the absence of any such advance intimation as mentioned above, no request for engagement of a scribe in the online examination shall be entertained. Engagement of scribe will be subject to the following conditions:
a) The provision of scribe will be allowed on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per performa attached at Annexure-I.
b) Candidates will have the option to arrange for the scribe on their own or to request the PGIMER for the same. However, in both the cases, they will have to intimate through email id: aorcpgi@gmail.com within the prescribed time as above alongwith all requisite information/ documents.
c) The qualification of the scribe should be atleast matriculate or one-step below the qualification prescribed under rules of the concerned post for which the candidate is going to take examination.
d) The scribe so arranged should not himself/herself be the candidate for the same test for which the candidate is appearing. Also, same scribe should not be engaged for more than one candidate. The scribe and the candidate shall give a declaration to this effect. Any violation, if detected at any stage, will render both candidate and scribe disqualified.
e) Candidates opting for scribe will have to provide additional details for scribes within prescribed time i.e. before 07.02.2020 positively as per Annexure-II (A&B) to the Institute at aorcpgi@gmail.com so that PGIMER can issue Call Letter for scribe and the same shall be signed by both candidate and scribe. Scribe should produce original and valid ID proof at the Examination Center and bring passport size photograph.
f) Separate Call Letter will be issued to scribes accompanying the candidates.
g) The candidate shall be responsible for any misconduct on the part of the scribe brought by him/her during the test.
h) Candidates availing the assistance of a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of not less than 20 minutes for every hour of the test. In case the duration of the examination is less than an hour, then duration of compensatory time would be allowed on pro-rata basis subject to a minimum of 5minutes and in the multiple of 5
i) The change of scribe will not be allowed.
Important instructions to be followed by the candidates during online computer based examination:-
1. Candidates are advised to read the instructions mentioned in the admit car carefully and bring only the required additional items as mentioned in the instructions on the admit card.
2. The candidates are advised to affix two recent passport size photographs self attested / attested by Gazetted Officer on the space provided in the Admit Card.
3. The Admit Card will be issued provisionally and is subject to the condition that if ineligibility of candidate/applicant is detected at any stage, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled.
4. PGIMER, Chandigarh reserves the right to verify the identity and genuineness of each candidate by taking thumb impression and photograph of the candidate or by other means which include biometrics capturing.
5. In order to get entrance into the examination venue/lab, candidates must bring:-
a) Printed Admit Card affixed with two recent passport size coloured photographs duly attested and one additional copy of the same photograph.
b) Original photo ID card issued by the competent Government authority such as Aadhar Card/e-Aadhar Card/PAN Card/ Driving Licence/Elector's Photo ID Card/Passport containing photograph of the candidate.
6. Candidate must bring a recent passport size coloured photograph (in addition to the two photographs affixed on the admit card) for affixing the same on the attendance sheet in the presence of the Invigilator at the time of exam.
7. The candidates are advised to check their particulars including the category in the Admit Card carefully. Error, if any, should be immediately reported to Recruitment Cell, PGIMER, Chandigarh for rectification.
8. The candidate without Admit Card and valid identity proof will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall.
9. Candidates are allowed to appear in the entrance examination provisionally. The candidates are advised to report in the examination centre one and half hour before the commencement of examination i.e. at 7.30 AM. The entry of main gate will be closed at 8.30 AM. Candidates will be required to undergo security process at the test centre hence they should report early.
10. Frisking of all the candidates will be carried out at the entry of the examination premises.
11. All the candidates appearing for the examination are instructed NOT TO BRING water bottle, car key (remote), chain, any mobile phones/pager/wrist watch/ring/wallets/ladies purse/ornaments (earings, nosepin, bangles, rings etc.) or any other electronic device to the Examination Hall. The candidates with these articles will not be permitted to enter in the Examination Hall. The examination centres are not responsible for the safe custody of the belongings of the candidates and they will have to make their own arrangements for their safe custody. No candidate will be allowed to examination hall with any of the above-prohibited article.
12. The examination will be a computer based test (CBT/online) in which the questions "Answered and Marked for Review" will be considered for evaluation. There will be negative marking to the extent of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer to the objective type questions in the CBT.
13. Candidates are advised to locate their test centres and its accessibility atleast a day before the test so that they can reach the centre on time on the day of exam.
14. Once the exam starts, the candidates will not be allowed to leave the test centre for any reason until the test is over.
15. Request for change of test centre will not be entertained under any circumstances.
16. Copying or noting down questions is strictly prohibited.
17. At the examination hall, you are advised to read the instructions carefully in your computer screen before start answering.
18. Rough sheets and pen will be provided for calculation at the test centre and the same must be returned after the test. Candidate should clearly write his/her name and roll number on each rough sheet.
19. Do not carry any article, even envelope or pen into Examination Hall.
20. Do not attempt to give or obtain irregular assistance of any kind during the examination.
21. Candidates will be required to download the admit card from the PGIMER website www.pgimer.edu.in or by opening the link which will be sent to the candidates on their registered e-mail address.
22. The candidates are advised to check the website of the PGIMER frequently for any further instructions.
23. Failure to comply with these instructions will entail expulsion/cancellation of candidature and appropriate legal action.
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