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NEET MDS 2019: Applications invited by NBE, Details

New Delhi: The online submission of application form for NEET-MDS 2019 has begun from 16th October 2018 from 07:00 PM onwards. Online applications can be accessed and completed till 11:55 PM on 06th November 2018.
For applying for the said exam, click on the following link
1. Availability of Information Bulletin 16th October 2018 onwards
2. Online submission of application form 16th October to 6th November 2018
3. Examination Date 14th December 2018
4. Declaration of Results By 15th January 2019
1. NEET – MDS 2019 is the eligibility-cum-ranking examination to various postgraduate MDS courses in the country.NEET-MDS 2019willbeconductedby National Board of Examinations. Candidates may note that NBE has no role regarding counselling and allotment of seats. NBE will not entertain any queries regarding availability of seats, counseling and allotment of seats.
2. Candidate may kindly note that appearance in NEET-MDS 2019 does not confer any automatic rights to secure a Postgraduate (MDS) seat. The selection and admission to Postgraduate seats in any dental institutions recognized for running MDS courses as per Dentists Act, 1948 is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, medical fitness and such criteria as may be prescribed by the respective universities, medical institutions, Dental Council of India, State/Central Government. Candidates may note that NBE has no role regarding counselling and allotment of MDS seats. NBE will not entertain any queries regarding availability of seats, counseling and allotment of MDS seats.
3. Online Submission of application form begins on 16th October 2018 from 07:00 PM onwards. Online submission of application form must be completed by 6th November 2018 (by 11:55 PM).
4. Applications of candidates producing false or fabricated information will not be considered and candidates may be further debarred from appearing in any future examinations conducted by NBE/MoHFW/Other Institutions.
5. Candidates should go through the bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria, scheme, and pattern of examination etc before contacting the NBE for any queries. Queries pertaining to eligibility and other issues will only be entertained if the information requested is not given in the bulletin or on website www.nbe.edu.in.
6. Incomplete applications or applications not in accordance with instructions will not be considered and are liable to be rejected. The examination fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
7. Fee will neither be carried forward to a future date nor refunded under any circumstances. Online applications and/or their acknowledgment of submission received after the due date will not be entertained and exam fee will not be returned in such cases. Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn.
8. Instructions in the information-bulletin are liable to changes based on decisions taken by
the NBE /MoHFW/concerned states/Constitutional Authorities.
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 12
9. Candidates’ eligibility is purely provisional & is subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria
as prescribed by the NBE/DCI /University/Dental College or Institute.
10. NBE reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in the NEET- MDS even though the admit card/roll number has been issued or name/roll number is displayed on the website of NBE/NEET MDS.
11. The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines are for ready reference only but in no way they are or are ought to be treated as representative or acknowledgment of fact that NBE is bound to follow the same in future.
12.In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/terms/rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/conduct of examinations/registration of candidates/information contained herein, the interpretation of the National Board of Examinations will be final and binding.
13. Requests are not entertained for change of examination centre or city. Candidates are
advised not to canvass for or submit such representations.
14. Absentees from the examination will forfeit their examination fee.
15. Result for NEET- MDS 2019 will be available on the website www.nbe.edu.in by 15th January 2019.
16. Candidates MUST bring to the test centre the following documents-
a. Printed copy of Admit Card with photo pasted on it; AND
b. Any one of the authorized photo IDs** (must be original, valid and non-expired) – PAN Card/Voter ID/Driving License/Passport/Aadhaar Card (original with photograph)
“In case, any candidate reports to the test center with e-Aadhaar card with Aadhaar number printed on it as proof of identity, the e-Aadhaar card should be a good quality colour print out with clearly visible photograph. The photograph should not have kinks, scratches and stains, and should definitely match with the candidate presenting the e-Aadhaar card. Decision of NBE in this regard shall be final”.
**The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card.
If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage, candidate must show the relevant
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre.
Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 13
document mentioned at the time of exam (Marriage Certificate /Divorce Decree /Legal Name
Change Document) The examination test centre staff on duty is authorized to verify the identity of candidates and may take steps to verify and record the identity of candidates. Candidates are required to extend requisite cooperation.
17. Candidates should ensure before applying for the registration that they have a recognized degree of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) awarded by an Indian University, in respect of recognized Dental College under Section 10(2) of the Dentists Act, 1948 or an equivalent qualification recognized by the Dental Council of India. If it is found at any time that BDS degree is not recognized, the candidature/ result shall be cancelled/deemed to be cancelled.
18. All the correspondence should preferably be addressed by e-mail. The e-mail query shall be addressed only if it is not anonymous and contains the name, postal address and contact telephone number of the sender. An e-mail containing vague or general queries that are contained in the Information Bulletin shall not be entertained. Queries shall not be entertained from person claiming themselves to be representative, associates or officiates of the applicant candidate.
19. NEET- MDS 2019 shall be conducted by NBE at exam centres engaged for the purpose. Candidates have the option of choosing the city where they will take the test through the online submission of application form. The choice of city will be available on first come first serve basis. However, candidates will be informed about their Testing Centre approximately 7 days prior to the examination day. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the route and location of the exam centre at least one day prior to the testing day.
20. Candidates are advised to look into www.nbe.edu.in regularly for various information and
notices pertaining to NEET- MDS 2019.
21.Kindly note that by registering for the NEET-MDS, candidates are covered by Non Disclosure
Agreement (NDA). NBE explicitly prohibits the candidates from publishing, reproducing or transmitting any or some contents of this test, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or for any purpose. No content of this test must be shared with friends, acquaintances or third parties including sharing through online means or via social media. Social media includes but not limited to SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Hangouts, Blogs etc using either one’s own account or proxy account(s).
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre.Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 14
22. Candidates are deemed to have read, agreed and accepted the Information Bulletin and
the terms and conditions in the information bulletin for NEET-MDS once they register for
23. Possession /Use of mobile phones /Electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE test centres. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile phones /Electronic devices.
24. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination premises until the entire duration of the exam is up with the exception of genuine medical conditions.
25. Demo Test: A demo test shall be available for the benefit of candidates to familiarize themselves with the Computer Based Test format at website www.nbe.edu.in. Applicantswill be able to access the Demo test from 1st December 2018 onwards.
26. The jurisdiction for court cases/disputes shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction ofcompetent courts at Delhi/New Delhi only.
1. (A) The eligibility criteria for Admission to MDS courses as per MDS Course Regulations 2017 notified by Dental Council of India with prior approval of MoHFW is as follows : A candidate for admission to the Master in Dental Surgery course, must possess are cognised degree of Bachelor in Dental Surgery awarded by a university orinstitute in India and registered with the State Dental Council and has obtained provisional or permanent registration and has undergone compulsory rotatory internship of a year in an approved/ recognised dental college.
2. A candidate who after passing the final qualifying examination (BDS or the foreign dental degree recognized by GOI/DCI), is undergoing 12-month compulsory rotatory internship/ practical training and is likely to complete the same by 31st March 2019 can take up this examination, but he/she shall not be eligible for admission unless he/she has completed the compulsory rotatory internship and obtained provisional or permanent registration on or before 31st March 2019 or the candidate produces a certificate from the head of Institution that he/she will be completing internship by 31st March 2019.
The eligibility criteria for All India 50% quota seats is as per para 4.1 & 4.2 (vide supra). Candidates who have studied/passed BDS from the state of Jammu & Kashmir are not eligible for 50% All India Quota seats. However, the candidates who were nominated by the Government of India (under central poolseats) to do BDS from Dental Collegesin Jammu &Kashmir shall be eligible to apply for admission. Such candidates mustsubmit a duly signed affidavit declaring that he/she was nominated by the Government of India (under central pool seats) to do BDS from Dental Colleges in Jammu & Kashmir to the following address along with the print out of the acknowledgement of submission of online application for NEET-MDS 2019 latest by 30th November 2018. (Copy of the affidavit is at Annexure - II).Deputy Director (Examinations) National Board of Examinations,Medical Enclave, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, (Ring Road), New Delhi – 110029
Candidates who have done their BDS from Jammu & Kashmir but fail to submit the
affidavit as indicated above will not be considered for participation in All India 50% quota
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre.
Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 16
However, the restriction on candidatesfrom the states of Jammu & Kashmirshall not apply to the categories pertaining to Armed Forces for ‘Grant of Short Service Commission in Army Dental Corps’ and for MDS admissions in Armed Forces Institutes.
As per MDS course Regulations 2017: It is not mandatory for foreign nationals to have temporary registration with DCI at the time of writing NEET-MDS. Foreign Nationals can write NEET-MDS without DCI registration. Provided that in the case of a foreign national, the following procedure shall be followed: The Council may, on payment of the prescribed fee for registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the post-graduate training restricted to the dental college/institution to which he or she is admitted for the time being exclusively for post-graduate studies: Provided further that temporary registration to such foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such person
is duly registered as medical practitioner in his/her own country from which he/she has obtained his/her basics dental qualification and that his/her degree is recognized by the corresponding state dental council or concerned authority.
The definitions of NRIs, OCI and PIOsshall be in accordance with order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 22/08/2017 in WP No. 689/2017. Copy of Order is at Annexure III.
3. The datesindicated by candidates with regard to 12 months Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship i.e. starting date, completion date, shall be treated as final and candidates will be required to submit the original Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship completion certificate at the time of counseling. No condonation of internship of 12 months period shall be accepted except (i) the students of the batch admitted during academic session 2007-08 and have completed 4 ½ year BDS course alongwith 06 months compulsory rotating internship and (ii) the students admitted during the academic session 2006-07 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai University those have completed 05 years BDS
course without internship.
4. Candidates found to be ineligible at any stage of NEET-MDS 2019 will not be permitted to appear in the examination and/or counseling. In an unlikely event of any ineligible candidate appearing and/or being successful in the NEET-MDS 2019, the results/ candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled and/or are deemed to be cancelled.
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre.
Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 17
5. Requests for appearing in NEET-MDS 2019 from candidates completing internship after 31st March 2019 or having qualifications that are not recognized as per Dentists Act shall be summarily rejected. Candidates are further advised not to canvass for the same. The cutoff date for completion of internship towards determination of eligibility for appearing in NEET-MDS 2019 shall be 31st March 2019.
6.Some of the Universities/institutions are having regulations that candidates who are already pursuing the PG Course in their University or in another University are not eligible for admission till they complete the course. The candidates who are already pursuing PG Courses either through All India Quota or State Quota and are applying for a seat under All India Quota may confirm the eligibility conditions of that University in this regard. NBE/MCC/MoHFW shall not be responsible if such candidates are denied admission. Such candidates may opt for the subject and the college at their own risk and cost.
7. A candidate can register and appear for NEET- MDS 2019 only once for admission to the academic year 2019-2020. Candidates submitting multiple application form will not be allowed to appear in NEET-MDS.
1. Amount
NEET- MDS Exam fee Rs. 2750/- (For SC/ST/PWD (PH) candidates) RRs. 3750/-(For General/OBC candidates)The above fee is inclusive of examination fees and information bulletin; Please note that
information bulletin will not be sold separately. Information Bulletin shall be available at website for information.
2. How to pay
The prescribed exam fee should be remitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or through Internet Banking. For more information, please visit the website www.nbe.edu.in.
3. Candidates remaining absent from the examination or ineligible will forfeit their examination fee. Candidates are advised to read the rule position carefully and satisfy the terms and conditions for fulfillment of eligibility criteria before proceeding for payment of
1. NEET MDS 2019 shall be held on a single day & single session only.
2. Allocation of time for the NEET- MDS shall be as follows: Activities Session (2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
Allow Candidates to enter the examination centre and commence Biometric Registration 12:00 PM
Entry closes at Examination Centre 01:30 PM Grant access for Candidate Login 01:45 PM Candidates log in to read instructions 01:50 PM Exam Start Time 02:00 PM Exam End Time 05:00 PM
3. Syllabus: The syllabus for the exam shall be that of BDS standard and shall cover all the subjects/syllabus taught during the BDS course as prescribed in the DCI Revised BDS Course Regulations, 2007 as amended from time to time
4. The examination shall be a multiple choice questions test delivered using computers network (CBT) as per scheme prescribed.
5. The exam comprises of 240 Multiple Choices, single correct response questions in English language only. Time allotted 3 hrs.
6. Negative Marking: There shall be 25% negative marking for incorrect answers. No marks will be deducted for unattempted questions Allocation of Marks for each MCQ: S.No. Response Marks
1. Correct Response 4 marks
2. Incorrect Response 1 mark shall be deducted
3. Unattempted Question Zero
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 20
7. During the examination candidates are given an option to mark any question, whether attempted or not, for review which means that candidate has been given an option to go through these questions again before the examination time ends. Candidates may note that such questions which are marked for review shall be evaluated as per the marking scheme indicated above.
1. Purpose of Examination Qualifying cum Ranking Examination for admission to MDS courses
2. Periodicity Annual
3. Pattern of examination MCQ based with single correct response
4. No. of items (questions) 240
5. Time Allotted 3 Hrs.
6. Negative marking Yes, 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect response ; 4 marks will be awarded for correct response
7. Syllabus As per Dental Council of India Revised BDS Course Regulations, 2007
8. Mode of conduct Computer based
9. Last date of Online Application 6th November 2018 (till 11:55 PM)
10. Test Date 14th December 2018
11. Declaration of Results By 15th January 2019
The eligibility criteria for participation in counseling towards allotment of MDS seats conducted by DGHS or State Counseling Authority shall be in accordance with MDS Course Regulations, 2017 notified by DCI with prior approval of MoHFW, Govt. of India. Eligibility Criteria for admission to MDS course:
1. General 50th Percentile
2. SC/ST/OBC (including PWD of SC/ST/OBC) 40th Percentile
3. UR PWD 45th Percentile
2.DATE OF DECLARARTION OF RESULT: The result for NEET-MDS 2019 will be declared by 15th January 2019.
3. VALIDITY OF NEET-MDS 2019 RESULT The validity of the result of NEET-MDS 2019 shall be only for the current admission session i.e. 2019 admission session for MDS courses and cannot be carried forward for the next session of admissions for MDS courses.
In the event of two or more candidates obtaining same marks, the merit position shall be
determined using following tie breaker criteria in descending order:
1. Candidate who has lesser number of incorrect responses in the overall paper (Part A & B) shall be placed at higher merit position.
2. Candidate with higher score in Part B of the question paper shall be placed at higher merit position.
3. Candidate who has lesser number of incorrect responses in Part B of the paper shall
be placed at higher merit position.
4. Failing which, date of birth of the candidate will be taken into consideration. Older candidate will be placed at a better merit position.
A percentile rank tells how well a candidate did in comparison to other candidates, while a percentage rank explains how well a candidate did in the test itself. Percentile nevergives the detail of the marks that you have scored instead it just tell you about your merit
Note: Possession/Use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centre. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/Use of Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices 38 position among the number of candidates who have appeared in the test with you. For example, a candidate might answer 85 percent of questions correctly and rank in the 99th percentile which means that percentile is not related to the percent of correct answers astudent gets on a test. Percentile ranks are commonly used to clarify the interpretation of marks on standardised tests. For example, a test marks that is greater than or equal to 80% of the marks of candidates taking the test is said to be at the 80th percentile, where 80 is the percentile rank. Whereas percentage of marks is simply calculated based on the marks obtained out of the maximum marks in the test. For example, a test marks of 75% in a test with a maximum marks of 1000 indicates a marks of 750. The percentage of marks is not affected by the candidate’s merit position in comparison to other candidates who took the test.
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