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MD, MS January 2020 at PGIMER: View Eligibility Criteria here

Chandigarh: The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) has released the eligibility criteria for candidates who are intending to apply for MD and MS courses 2020.
Since there are eligibility criteria stipulated by the Medical Council of India (MCI), the candidates need to update themselves with it while applying for the entrance exam.
i) A candidate must have passed MBBS from a University/ Institute recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
ii) Must have either completed, or due to complete, one year rotatory internship training on or before 31st December/30th June for January and July session respectively (as per Annexure-I).
iii) Must be registered with Central /State Medical Registration Council.
iv) For Sponsored Candidates
The eligibility of Sponsored candidates will be the same as for candidates as mentioned from (i) to (iii) above
v) For Foreign National Candidates
A candidate must have passed MBBS or equivalent degree. Candidate(s) must obtain the certificate of grading system from his/her University / Institution to determine the value of grading in percentage to be produced. After getting the certificate, calculate total and obtained marks from the certificate then fill “Marks Column” and complete Final Submission before due date.
vi) Graduated from Foreign Universities
Indian National candidates who have been graduated from foreign Universities must have passed the MCI Screening Exam or FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) exam conducted by NBE, Govt. of India, Delhi.
A candidate applying for admission to MD/MS as a sponsored / deputed candidate is required to take the print out of the online application form and furnish the following certificates (as per format given in Annexure II & III) with
his/her application through his/her employer/Sponsoring Authority for admission to the course.
(i) That the candidate concerned shall be employee of the deputing/ sponsoring authority and should have been working for three years (on or before 30th June/31st December for July & January session respectively).
(ii) That after getting training at PGIMER, Chandigarh, candidate will be suitably employed by the deputing/sponsoring authority to work for at least five years in the specialty in which training is received by the candidate at the PGIMER.
(iii) That no financial implications, in the form of emoluments/stipend etc. will devolve upon PGIMER, Chandigarh during the entire period of his/her course and such payment shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring authority.
Deputation/Sponsorship of any candidate by private hospitals, institutes or nursing homes are not accepted. The sponsoring authority should not nominate more than one candidate for a specialty. Sponsorship / deputation of candidates
will be accepted only from the following:
(i) Central or State Government Departments/Institutions
(ii) Autonomous Bodies of the Central or State Government
(iii) Public sector colleges affiliated to universities and recognized by the MCI.
In case of candidate deputed/ sponsored by the Government Medical College affiliated to Universities and recognized by Medical Council of India, deputation/sponsorship certificate signed by the Principal of Medical College concerned only shall be accepted.
Deputed/Sponsored candidates are also required to appear in the Entrance Exam. If selected, for admission to any course of the Institute, they are required to make their own stay arrangement during the period of study.
It is further added here that though the seats for the sponsored category will be filled up purely on merit basis as per nomination by the sponsoring authority i.e. one candidate for one specialty in first counseling but the subsequent counseling will be conducted as open counseling for sponsored category against the available vacant seats within the category for giving wider chance to choose them specialization of his/her choice. The procedure will be as follow:
(i) Seats will be allotted strictly as per merit.
(ii) Seats allotted in first counseling shall remain intact. However, candidates who earlier have opted seat will have option to change over specialization
by surrendering allotted seat from the available vacant seats.
(iii) Seats will be available for sponsored candidates within sponsored category only
A candidate applying for admission as a Foreign National candidate is required to take the print out of online application form and furnish the relevant certificates required to route their application through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. All foreign nationals will have to take prior permission from the Medical Council of India before applying for postgraduate Courses in the Institute, as per their instructions issued vide office no. MCI-202(1)(Gen)Regn-2010/45277 dated 9-12-2010. An advance copy must be submitted at PGIMER, Chandigarh before the last date of receipt of applications. However, applications of such candidates will be processed after receipt of the same through diplomatic channels.
These candidates are also required to appear in the entrance test along with other candidates. A separate merit list for these candidates will be prepared within their own group.
There will be another separate merit list for Bhutanese nationals, apart from the list for foreign national seats.
Selection of candidates will be made on merit based on their performance in the entrance test. In the event of selection, the candidates have to apply for temporary registration with the Medical Council of India for the duration of the postgraduate study.
OVERSEAS CITIZEN OF INDIA (OCI): OCI registered under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 are also eligible to appear in this test and all terms and conditions applicable for Indian Nationals given in this prospectus will be applicable to them. The candidate should submit proof of Registration as OCI under Section 7A of Citizenship
Act 1955 at the time of counselling.
The Institute does not have any objection if the candidates in employment apply directly for MD/MS course. However, all such candidates should inform their employer in writing that they are applying for this Entrance Test. They should also sign the undertaking in the down loaded copy of Application form that they have informed their employer about the submission of the application to PGIMER, Chandigarh. If any communication is received from their department /office withholding permission to the candidate’s appearing at the entrance test/ admission to the course, the candidature/admission of the candidate will be cancelled and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Number of seats for MD/MS course will be displayed separately.
FAQs for PGIMER MD/MS 2020 Application Form
Q.1. Will be there be a correction window facility for PGIMER MD/MS application form 2020?
Answer- Correction Window available only for if there is any update in Candidate Photograph & Signature. Thus candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully.
Q.2. Can I submit the PGIMER MD/MS application form in the offline mode?
Answer – No, candidates must fill the application form of PGIMER MD/MS 2020 in online mode only. Any other form of the application form will not be accepted.
Q.3. How can I pay the application fee?
Answer – The application fee of PGIMER MD/MS registration 2020 has to be paid in online mode. Candidates can use methods like credit/debit card or internet banking to pay the fee.
Admission to postgraduate courses
a. Admission to various postgraduate courses conducted at the Institute is made twice a year. The sessions commence from first January and first July each year.
b. The Institute follows a Residency Service-cum-Training Scheme. Candidates admitted to MD/MS courses are called Junior Residents.
c. The admission to the above courses of the Institute is made on merit on all India basis, by holding an entrance test by the Institute, after issuing a countrywide admission notice. The admission notice is published in leading English newspapers Employment News of India in the month of September/Oct for January session and March/April for July session.
SC/ST Category : Rs. 1200/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
General /OCI /OBC /RA /FN/ Sponsored Category: Rs. 1500/- + Transaction Charges as applicable.
Persons with Bench-mark Disabilities (PwBD) Candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
All candidates are directed to deposit the above fees through online payment gateway available at MD/MS application portal w.e.f. 26.10.2019 to 14.11.2019.
Through Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking
All applicants are advised to read the Prospectus and Instructions carefully before starting online registration and ensure that no column is left blank. In the event of rejection of the application form, no correspondence/request for reconsideration will be entertained. Applicants are also advised to download and take a print of the Application form. They should retain a copy of Application form till the completion of Admission Process.
Please visit www.pgimer.edu.in regularly for latest notification/ announcement as well as any Addendum/Corrigendum/Latest updates etc. regarding the Entrance Test.
(a) Candidate should fill in the Online Application with utmost care and follow the instructions and help manual as given in the USER MANUAL of the Prospectus, step by step. Candidate should fill in the Online Application form correctly. Incorrect filled form may leads to rejection.
(b) A candidate seeking admission to the Entrance Test is required to submit his/her application in the prescribed format available online with the Prospectus on www.pgimer.edu.in
(c) The cost of Application Form includes the fee for entrance Test which is nonrefundable and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. The candidate is required to go through the Prospectus carefully and acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling of the online application form.
(d) Online Registration:
(i) After selecting the online registration, fill the mandatory details asked for and deposit the prescribed fee through debit/credit card/Net Banking. After submitting fees filled required information step by step. Follow the Instructions carefully.
(ii) It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that correct details are filled in the Registration process. The Institute will not be responsible for any incorrect information/cancellation of candidature/loss or lack of communication etc. due to wrong filled online Application form.
(iii) No candidate should register more than one application.
(iv) All applicants are required to ensure that Photo/Signature is uploaded according to the instructions provided in the Prospectus. Failure to do so may result in rejection of applications.
(v) Duplicate applications from any applicant will result in cancellation of all such applications. No intimation regarding such summary rejections will be provided.
(i) Acknowledgement of successful Online Registration will be forwarded to applicant‘s Registered Email ID. The Registration Form will remain Under Review regarding uploaded images and eligibility.
(ii) Admit Card for Accepted Registration Form will only be uploaded on the website. If the status of Registration Form or Admit Card is not available on website, he/she should immediately write an email to the Registrar, PGIMER on registrar@pgimer.edu.in along with full particulars of the Registration Form.
The candidates must upload their self attested/attested copies of
certificates/documents in support of their educational qualifications, marks, date of birth, category, experience etc. If a candidate fails to upload self attested copies of the requisite documents as above, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will not be allowed to participate in subsequent stages of selection/admission process.
For Sponsored Candidates and Foreign nationals.
1) Sponsorship Certificate (in the case of sponsored candidate) in the format prescribed in the Prospectus, duly completed and signed by the competent authority.
2) NOC from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in case of Foreign National.
Sponsored/Foreign national category candidates should send the above documents in a separate envelope to the Training Branch, PGIMER, Chandigarh, indicating their Registration No. on the top of the envelope and on the documents followed by the name of course/discipline applied for.
In case of non-receipt of the nominations/clearance/no objection from the concerned Ministry by due date, their candidature will not be considered.
Candidates belonging to Sponsored Category are required to submit their NOC & Sponsorship Certificate in original from their Competent Authority and presently employed candidates are required to submit their NOC from Employer (as per format given in Annexure-VII). The Applications of above-mentioned categories i.e. Foreign national and Sponsored category alongwith requisite certificates must reach the office of Registrar, Academic Section PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh-160012, atleast 15 days before the commencement of the Entrance Examination.
MD/MS Candidates belonging to Foreign National Category must give THREE CHOICES of Subjects/specialties on the Application form.
(g) Discrepancy, if any, in the date and time of the entrance examination mentioned in the Prospectus, Admit Card etc. should be immediately brought to the notice of the Training Branch, PGIMER, Chandigarh through email. Complaints received at later stage will not be entertained. In case any discrepancy is found in the information provided in the various documents, the data provided on the Application Form will be considered as final for all purposes.
(h) It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that correct address, Mobile No. & email ID in the Application Form is filled. The Institute shall not be responsible for any miscommunication due to incorrect address, Mobile No. and email ID given by the applicant on the Application Form or non-receipt for any communication.
Candidates are requested to please visit the original website of PGIMER Chandigarh is mention below:
Since there are eligibility criteria stipulated by the Medical Council of India (MCI), the candidates need to update themselves with it while applying for the entrance exam.
i) A candidate must have passed MBBS from a University/ Institute recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
ii) Must have either completed, or due to complete, one year rotatory internship training on or before 31st December/30th June for January and July session respectively (as per Annexure-I).
iii) Must be registered with Central /State Medical Registration Council.
iv) For Sponsored Candidates
The eligibility of Sponsored candidates will be the same as for candidates as mentioned from (i) to (iii) above
v) For Foreign National Candidates
A candidate must have passed MBBS or equivalent degree. Candidate(s) must obtain the certificate of grading system from his/her University / Institution to determine the value of grading in percentage to be produced. After getting the certificate, calculate total and obtained marks from the certificate then fill “Marks Column” and complete Final Submission before due date.
vi) Graduated from Foreign Universities
Indian National candidates who have been graduated from foreign Universities must have passed the MCI Screening Exam or FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) exam conducted by NBE, Govt. of India, Delhi.
A candidate applying for admission to MD/MS as a sponsored / deputed candidate is required to take the print out of the online application form and furnish the following certificates (as per format given in Annexure II & III) with
his/her application through his/her employer/Sponsoring Authority for admission to the course.
(i) That the candidate concerned shall be employee of the deputing/ sponsoring authority and should have been working for three years (on or before 30th June/31st December for July & January session respectively).
(ii) That after getting training at PGIMER, Chandigarh, candidate will be suitably employed by the deputing/sponsoring authority to work for at least five years in the specialty in which training is received by the candidate at the PGIMER.
(iii) That no financial implications, in the form of emoluments/stipend etc. will devolve upon PGIMER, Chandigarh during the entire period of his/her course and such payment shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring authority.
Deputation/Sponsorship of any candidate by private hospitals, institutes or nursing homes are not accepted. The sponsoring authority should not nominate more than one candidate for a specialty. Sponsorship / deputation of candidates
will be accepted only from the following:
(i) Central or State Government Departments/Institutions
(ii) Autonomous Bodies of the Central or State Government
(iii) Public sector colleges affiliated to universities and recognized by the MCI.
In case of candidate deputed/ sponsored by the Government Medical College affiliated to Universities and recognized by Medical Council of India, deputation/sponsorship certificate signed by the Principal of Medical College concerned only shall be accepted.
Deputed/Sponsored candidates are also required to appear in the Entrance Exam. If selected, for admission to any course of the Institute, they are required to make their own stay arrangement during the period of study.
It is further added here that though the seats for the sponsored category will be filled up purely on merit basis as per nomination by the sponsoring authority i.e. one candidate for one specialty in first counseling but the subsequent counseling will be conducted as open counseling for sponsored category against the available vacant seats within the category for giving wider chance to choose them specialization of his/her choice. The procedure will be as follow:
(i) Seats will be allotted strictly as per merit.
(ii) Seats allotted in first counseling shall remain intact. However, candidates who earlier have opted seat will have option to change over specialization
by surrendering allotted seat from the available vacant seats.
(iii) Seats will be available for sponsored candidates within sponsored category only
A candidate applying for admission as a Foreign National candidate is required to take the print out of online application form and furnish the relevant certificates required to route their application through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. All foreign nationals will have to take prior permission from the Medical Council of India before applying for postgraduate Courses in the Institute, as per their instructions issued vide office no. MCI-202(1)(Gen)Regn-2010/45277 dated 9-12-2010. An advance copy must be submitted at PGIMER, Chandigarh before the last date of receipt of applications. However, applications of such candidates will be processed after receipt of the same through diplomatic channels.
These candidates are also required to appear in the entrance test along with other candidates. A separate merit list for these candidates will be prepared within their own group.
There will be another separate merit list for Bhutanese nationals, apart from the list for foreign national seats.
Selection of candidates will be made on merit based on their performance in the entrance test. In the event of selection, the candidates have to apply for temporary registration with the Medical Council of India for the duration of the postgraduate study.
OVERSEAS CITIZEN OF INDIA (OCI): OCI registered under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 are also eligible to appear in this test and all terms and conditions applicable for Indian Nationals given in this prospectus will be applicable to them. The candidate should submit proof of Registration as OCI under Section 7A of Citizenship
Act 1955 at the time of counselling.
The Institute does not have any objection if the candidates in employment apply directly for MD/MS course. However, all such candidates should inform their employer in writing that they are applying for this Entrance Test. They should also sign the undertaking in the down loaded copy of Application form that they have informed their employer about the submission of the application to PGIMER, Chandigarh. If any communication is received from their department /office withholding permission to the candidate’s appearing at the entrance test/ admission to the course, the candidature/admission of the candidate will be cancelled and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Number of seats for MD/MS course will be displayed separately.
FAQs for PGIMER MD/MS 2020 Application Form
Q.1. Will be there be a correction window facility for PGIMER MD/MS application form 2020?
Answer- Correction Window available only for if there is any update in Candidate Photograph & Signature. Thus candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully.
Q.2. Can I submit the PGIMER MD/MS application form in the offline mode?
Answer – No, candidates must fill the application form of PGIMER MD/MS 2020 in online mode only. Any other form of the application form will not be accepted.
Q.3. How can I pay the application fee?
Answer – The application fee of PGIMER MD/MS registration 2020 has to be paid in online mode. Candidates can use methods like credit/debit card or internet banking to pay the fee.
Admission to postgraduate courses
a. Admission to various postgraduate courses conducted at the Institute is made twice a year. The sessions commence from first January and first July each year.
b. The Institute follows a Residency Service-cum-Training Scheme. Candidates admitted to MD/MS courses are called Junior Residents.
c. The admission to the above courses of the Institute is made on merit on all India basis, by holding an entrance test by the Institute, after issuing a countrywide admission notice. The admission notice is published in leading English newspapers Employment News of India in the month of September/Oct for January session and March/April for July session.
Start of PGIMER MD/MS online Application on PGI Website www.pgimer.edu.in | 26.10.2019 |
PGIMER MD/MS (Jan, 2020) application form closes | 14.11.2019 |
Computer Based Entrance Test for MD/MS courses | 30.11.2019 (Saturday) |
Expected date of declaration of result | 06.12.2019 |
1st counselling for MD/MS courses at PGIMER, Chandigarh | 20.12.2019 at 11.00 AM |
2nd counselling for MD/MS courses at PGIMER, Chandigarh | 10.01.2020 at 11.00 AM |
3rd counselling for MD/MS courses at PGIMER, Chandigarh | 18.01.2020 at 11.00 AM |
Spot Admission through Open counselling at PGIMER, Chandigarh | 30.01.2020 at 11.00 AM |
SC/ST Category : Rs. 1200/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
General /OCI /OBC /RA /FN/ Sponsored Category: Rs. 1500/- + Transaction Charges as applicable.
Persons with Bench-mark Disabilities (PwBD) Candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
All candidates are directed to deposit the above fees through online payment gateway available at MD/MS application portal w.e.f. 26.10.2019 to 14.11.2019.
Through Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking
All applicants are advised to read the Prospectus and Instructions carefully before starting online registration and ensure that no column is left blank. In the event of rejection of the application form, no correspondence/request for reconsideration will be entertained. Applicants are also advised to download and take a print of the Application form. They should retain a copy of Application form till the completion of Admission Process.
Please visit www.pgimer.edu.in regularly for latest notification/ announcement as well as any Addendum/Corrigendum/Latest updates etc. regarding the Entrance Test.
(a) Candidate should fill in the Online Application with utmost care and follow the instructions and help manual as given in the USER MANUAL of the Prospectus, step by step. Candidate should fill in the Online Application form correctly. Incorrect filled form may leads to rejection.
(b) A candidate seeking admission to the Entrance Test is required to submit his/her application in the prescribed format available online with the Prospectus on www.pgimer.edu.in
(c) The cost of Application Form includes the fee for entrance Test which is nonrefundable and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. The candidate is required to go through the Prospectus carefully and acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling of the online application form.
(d) Online Registration:
(i) After selecting the online registration, fill the mandatory details asked for and deposit the prescribed fee through debit/credit card/Net Banking. After submitting fees filled required information step by step. Follow the Instructions carefully.
(ii) It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that correct details are filled in the Registration process. The Institute will not be responsible for any incorrect information/cancellation of candidature/loss or lack of communication etc. due to wrong filled online Application form.
(iii) No candidate should register more than one application.
(iv) All applicants are required to ensure that Photo/Signature is uploaded according to the instructions provided in the Prospectus. Failure to do so may result in rejection of applications.
(v) Duplicate applications from any applicant will result in cancellation of all such applications. No intimation regarding such summary rejections will be provided.
(i) Acknowledgement of successful Online Registration will be forwarded to applicant‘s Registered Email ID. The Registration Form will remain Under Review regarding uploaded images and eligibility.
(ii) Admit Card for Accepted Registration Form will only be uploaded on the website. If the status of Registration Form or Admit Card is not available on website, he/she should immediately write an email to the Registrar, PGIMER on registrar@pgimer.edu.in along with full particulars of the Registration Form.
The candidates must upload their self attested/attested copies of
certificates/documents in support of their educational qualifications, marks, date of birth, category, experience etc. If a candidate fails to upload self attested copies of the requisite documents as above, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will not be allowed to participate in subsequent stages of selection/admission process.
For Sponsored Candidates and Foreign nationals.
1) Sponsorship Certificate (in the case of sponsored candidate) in the format prescribed in the Prospectus, duly completed and signed by the competent authority.
2) NOC from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in case of Foreign National.
Sponsored/Foreign national category candidates should send the above documents in a separate envelope to the Training Branch, PGIMER, Chandigarh, indicating their Registration No. on the top of the envelope and on the documents followed by the name of course/discipline applied for.
In case of non-receipt of the nominations/clearance/no objection from the concerned Ministry by due date, their candidature will not be considered.
Candidates belonging to Sponsored Category are required to submit their NOC & Sponsorship Certificate in original from their Competent Authority and presently employed candidates are required to submit their NOC from Employer (as per format given in Annexure-VII). The Applications of above-mentioned categories i.e. Foreign national and Sponsored category alongwith requisite certificates must reach the office of Registrar, Academic Section PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh-160012, atleast 15 days before the commencement of the Entrance Examination.
MD/MS Candidates belonging to Foreign National Category must give THREE CHOICES of Subjects/specialties on the Application form.
(g) Discrepancy, if any, in the date and time of the entrance examination mentioned in the Prospectus, Admit Card etc. should be immediately brought to the notice of the Training Branch, PGIMER, Chandigarh through email. Complaints received at later stage will not be entertained. In case any discrepancy is found in the information provided in the various documents, the data provided on the Application Form will be considered as final for all purposes.
(h) It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that correct address, Mobile No. & email ID in the Application Form is filled. The Institute shall not be responsible for any miscommunication due to incorrect address, Mobile No. and email ID given by the applicant on the Application Form or non-receipt for any communication.
Candidates are requested to please visit the original website of PGIMER Chandigarh is mention below:
20192020admissionapplication formChandigarheligibility criteriaeligibility criteria for PGIMER md msexamFrequently Asked QuestionsMDmedical coursesMedical EducationMSPG medicalPGIPGI ChandigarhPGIMERPGIMER Invited ApplicationsPGIMER MD Coursepgimer md ms 2020PGIMER MS Coursepgimer.edu.inpgimeradmissions.net.inPostgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
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