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JIPMER MBBS 2019: Entrance Exam Tomorrow; Check out DO’S AND DON’TS

Puducherry: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER Puducherry) is going to conduct the JIPMER MBBS 2019 entrance examination for this academic year tomorrow.
Candidates, who are set to appear for the examination are advised to check out the do's and don'ts for the exam day so as to avoid any confusion while appearing for the JIPMER MBBS 2019 entrance examination at the examination centres tomorrow.
JIPMER MBBS 2019 Entrance Examination will be conducted through a Computer Based Test (CBT) Online mode only on Sunday, 02nd June 2019. The duration of the examination shall be 2½ hours (Two hours and Thirty minutes).
The Online (CBT) Entrance Examination will be conducted in two shifts:
Morning Shift / First shift : 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Afternoon Shift / Second shift: 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM
Therefore all candidates will be required to appear at CBT Online Entrance Examination, which will be conducted on Sunday, 02nd June, 2019 in either one of the shifts (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM ( OR) 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM) as allotted by the competent authority.
The venue, time and shift of the examination have already been communicated to the candidates in the Hall Ticket. If the concerned candidates have not downloaded the admit card by now, Click here– JIPMER MBBS Entrance Examination Hall Ticket -2019
No candidate will be permitted to appear in the examination unless he/she holds a valid "Hall ticket" issued by the Institute and a proof of his / her identification
MORNING SHIFT:-Candidates should report at the exam venue by 08.00 AM. Entry to examination centre closes at 09:15 AM. Entry will NOT be permitted beyond 09:15 AM under any circumstance. This is to facilitate completing all the formalities including biometrics and photo capture. The exam starts at 10:00 AM. The candidate will NOT be permitted to leave the exam hall before 12:30 PM (i.e. time of close of examination).
AFTERNOON SHIFT:- Candidates should report at the exam venue by 01.00 PM. Entry to examination centre closes at 02:15 PM. Entry will NOT be permitted beyond 02:15 PM under any circumstance. This is to facilitate completing all the formalities including biometrics and photo capture. The exam starts at 03:00 PM. The candidate will NOT be permitted to leave the exam hall before 05:30 PM (i.e. time of close of examination) Candidates are requested to be available in their allotted exam centres 2 hours before the commencement of the exam to avoid unnecessary tussle in the last minute.They also advised visiting the exam venue one day before the examination.
2. Candidates should carry ONLY Hall Ticket along with Valid Identity proof (in original) and photocopy (Xerox) of the same ID proof inside the hall.Candidates will NOT be allowed to take the examination without valid Hall Ticket & Valid ID Proof.
1. AAdhar / E-AAdhar
2. Passport
3. Voter ID
4. 12th class Board Admit card with photograph
5. Bank passbook with photograph
6. Any other valid Government identity proof with photograph
3. The candidate is solely responsible to get the signature and seal of the centre Representative / Invigilator on their Hall ticket. Failure to do so is liable for disqualification. Before leaving the hall, photocopy of the ID proof should be handed over to Invigilator.
4. Biometric authentication through the digital device and hard copy of signature and fingerprint in the attendance sheet will be taken. Cooperation of the candidate is solicited.
5. The candidate will NOT be permitted to take any other papers except hall ticket and valid Identity proof and photocopy of the same ID proof.
6. Cellular phones, calculators, watch, alarm clocks, digital watches with built-in-calculators / memory, earphones and other electronic gadgets etc. will not be permitted. (Arrangements will NOT be made by the duty staff for safe keeping and returning the above gadgets if brought).Candidates are solely responsible for the safe keeping of their belongings
7. In case any candidate is caught or found to use any unfair means he/she shall be liable for summarily disqualification for this exam and subsequent years of the exam.
8. Use of unfair means/impersonation will lead to summarily cancellation of selection/admission.
9. JIPMER reserves the right to reschedule the date/time of the examination, depending upon local conditions.
10. Candidates taking the Entrance Examination will be subjected to thorough frisking before being allowed into the hall.
11. Biometric fingerprint and image capture will be done for every candidate on the day of Examination inside the examination hall by the authorized personnel.
12. The candidate must show, on demand, the hall ticket for admission in the examination hall. A candidate who does not produce the hall ticket issued by the JIPMER. He / She will not be admitted to the Examination Hall under any circumstances, by the Center Superintendent.
13. During the examination, the invigilator will check the hall ticket of the candidates to satisfy himself/herself about the identity of each candidate.
14. Candidates are advised to check the seating plan and identify the room/lab allotted as per their Hall Ticket number, which will be displayed outside the halls.
15. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the exam hall until the exam is over except acute health-related issues.
16. Smoking in the Examination Hall is strictly prohibited.
17. Tea, coffee, cold drinks or food & snacks are NOT allowed in the Examination Halls. 18. The test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Hall Ticket and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator.
19. The candidate must sign in the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place and affix the Left Index Finger impression against the appropriate column of the attendance sheet. Failure to comply with this requirement will lead to the annulling of his / her candidature without any prior intimation.
20. For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of examination for any reason, reexamination shall NOT be held by the JIPMER under any circumstances.
21. This Hall Ticket is issued subject to the condition that if ineligibility is detected at any stage, the candidature will be cancelled.
22. Once inside the Examination Centre / Premises, all candidates will be under surveillance & activities will be monitored. Hence, candidates are advised NOT to indulge in any unlawful activities which will invite disqualification & legal actions.
23. Selection / Admission of MBBS students at JIPMER Puducherry & JIPMER Karaikal will be based on the online Entrance examination conducted by JIPMER, Puducherry only. No other agencies (NEET / AIIMS / Any other) are entitled to conduct or select/admit candidates of MBBS Course for JIPMER Puducherry & JIPMER Karaikal
The allotted venues within the perimeter of 20 to 25 km from the main city. Hence, the candidates are advised to visit the exam venue one day prior to the exam date.
On the exam date, the candidates are advised to be in the centre two (2) hours before the examination commence.
If during the course of examination, a candidate is found indulging in any of the following, he / she shall be deemed to have used unfair means at the examinations and as such his / her result shall not be declared but shall be marked as UNFAIR MEANS (U.F.M.) and debarred from taking this examination permanently in future:
Having in possession papers, books, notes, electronic devices or any other material or information relevant to the examination in the paper concerned;
Giving or receiving assistance directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so;
Contacting or communicating or trying to do so with any person, other than the Examination Staff, during the examination time in the examination center;
Threatening any of the officials connected with the conduct of the examinations or threatening any of the candidates;
Using or attempting to use any other undesirable method or means in connection with the examination.
Cheating / Copying in the exam.
- The examination shall be conducted in ENGLISH medium ONLY.
- The Entrance Examination is common to all and consists of 200 single best response type MCQs having four alternatives and the questions will be asked from the following subjects.
The distribution of the number of question is as detailed below:-
Subject | No. of Questions |
Physics | 60 |
Chemistry | 60 |
Biology | 60 |
English Language and Comprehension | 10 |
Logical&Quantitative Reasoning | 10 |
total | 200 |
- The questions for JIPMER MBBS Entrance Examination 2019 will be based on the syllabus as prescribed by State Board Hr. Sec. and CBSE for XI & XII Standards.
- Candidates are advised to go through the Mock Test for computer-based Test (online examination).
- The examination centres are tentatively proposed in 120 cities across India. List of Cities is mentioned in ANNEXURE- VII
- The applicant can opt only for THREE EXAM CITIES.
- The allotment of Exam City would be as per the order of preference clicked by the applicant during on-line registration on a FIRST-CUM-FIRST served basis.
- Normally the first preference would be allotted. JIPMER, depending upon local conditions, reserves the right to allot any other Exam City other than the preferences given by the applicant.
- NO request for change of centre would be considered under any circumstances.
- The Exam City preference is only indicative and subject to change; Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research retains the final decision on the same and its allotment.
- If seats for Entrance Exam are unavailable in the chosen 3 exam cities, nearby (exam) cities will be considered for venues.
- In case of any unforeseen circumstances, the Exam City can be cancelled at any point of time and a new Exam City can be allotted en bloc with due intimation in website/ text message.
Download of Hall Ticket from JIPMER website www.jipmer.puducherry.gov.in / www.jipmer.edu.in (The Hall Tickets will be made available through Internet download ONLY and NOT by Post) | 20.05.2019 (Monday) 10.00 AM to 02.06.2019 (Sunday) 8.00 AM |
Date of Entrance Examination | 02.06.2019 (Sunday) |
Time of Entrance Examination (Two Shifts) | Morning Shift:- 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM Afternoon Shift :- 03.00 PM to 05.30 PM |
Expected date of publication of Merit List | On or Before 21st June 2019 |
Counselling of Choosing for JIPMER Puducherry (OR) JIPMER Karaikal | |
First Counseling (Tentative) | 26th to 28th JUNE 2019 |
Second Counseling (Tentative) | 24 th July 2019 |
Third Counseling (Tentative) | 21st AUGUST 2019 |
Final Counseling (Tentative) | 26th SEPTEMBER 2019 |
Admission formalities (Medical Board & submission of the receipt for payment of fees etc…) | 01.07.2019 (Monday) 8.00 AM. For the Students who have opted to Join in JIPMER, Karaikal. After the Medical Board, the selected students should report on 03.07.2019 at JIPMER Karaikal, Karaikal 02.07.2019 (Tuesday) 8.00 AM For the Students who have opted to join in JIPMER, Puducherry |
The issue of Admission Letter & Letter for Hostel accommodation | 01.07.2019 (Monday) – For Karaikal Students 02.07.2019 (Tuesday) – For Puducherry Students |
Commencement of Course | 03.07.2019 (Wednesday) 09.00 AM |
Foundation Course | Foundation course will be held for JIPMER, Puducherry &JIPMER, Karaikal separately at the respective places. |
Close of Admissions- MBBS 2019 Session | 30.09.2019 (Monday) |
for more details click on the original website mentioned below:
Garima joined Medical Dialogues in the year 2017 and is currently working as a Senior Editor. She looks after all the Healthcare news pertaining to Medico-legal cases, MCI/DCI decisions, Medical Education issues, government policies as well as all the news and updates concerning Medical and Dental Colleges in India. She is a graduate from Delhi University. She can be contacted at editorial@medicaldialogues.in Contact no. 011-43720751 To know about our editorial team click here
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