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NEET MDS 2020: Check out counselling procedure

New Delhi: With the PG Dental admission process commenced in many of the states, it can get a little confusing for BDS passouts to keep up with the NEET MDS counselling rules and regulations.
To avoid, the students are requested to view the details of the counselling procedure including reservations and percentile score for state quota seats.
There shall be a reservation of 15 percent for the candidates of the Scheduled Castes, 7.5 percent for the candidates of the Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent for the candidates of the Other Backward Classes as per statutory provisions and applicable rules. The OBC reservation at 27% is only in Central Government Institutions/CentralUniversities only for the Non-cream layer and as per the Central list of OBC. 12.2 For States/Union Territories - 50% State Quota Seats and Private Dental Colleges/Institutes/Universities/Deemed Universities
a) Reservation policy and guidelines applicable in different States/Union Territories of India will be followed for the respective State /Union territory quota seats.
b. NBE shall be providing only the data of candidates and the marks scored by them in NEET-MDS to the State Governments / Counseling Authority without applying the reservation prevalent in the concerned States/Private Dental Colleges/ Institutes/ Universities. The merit list and category wise merit list for the concerned State shall be generated by the State themselves as per applicable Regulations, qualifying criteria, applicable guidelines and reservation policies.
For Armed Forces Medical Services Institutions
a. Candidates opting for admission to MDS seats in Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) Institutions shall select the following option in the NEET-MDS 2020 online application form: Are you willing to opt for PG Courses in Armed Forces Medical Services -Yes/ No?
b. There is no reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates in the Armed Forces Medical Institutions.
As per MDS course Regulations 2017:
a. The reservation of seats in dental college/institutions for respective categories shall be as per applicable laws prevailing in States/Union territories. An all India merit list as well as State-wise merit list of the eligible candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in NEET Test and candidates shall be admitted to postgraduate courses from the said merit list only:
b. Provided that in determining the merit of candidates who are in service of Government/ public authority, weightage in the marks may be given by the Government/ competent authority as an incentive upto 10% of the marks obtained for each year of service in remote and/or difficult areas up to the maximum of 30% of the marks obtained in NEET. The remote and/or difficult or rural areas shall be as defined by State Government / competent authority from time to time.
c. A candidate who has failed to secure the minimum percentile as prescribed in these regulations, shall not be admitted to any postgraduate courses in any academic year.
d. Minimum 5 % seats of the annual sanctioned intake capacity shall be filled up by the candidates with BenchMark Disabilities specified under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
Centres are identified for issuing of PwD certificate for 50% AIQ and Central Institutions/Universities.
EWS reservation: 10% seats of the total intake capacity at a Government Dental College where additional seats have been allocated for implementation of EWS quota shall be reserved for candidates belonging to EWS category.
The eligibility criteria for participation in counseling towards allotment of MDS seats conducted by DGHS or State Counseling Authority shall be in accordance with MDS Course Regulations, 2017 notified by DCI with prior approval of MoHFW, Govt. of India
Eligibility Criteria for admission to MDS course:
1. | General | 50th Percentile |
2. | SC/ST/OBC (including PWD of SC/ST/OBC) | 40th Percentile |
3. | UR PWD | 45th Percentile |
Provided further that when the number of qualifying candidates in the respective categories on the basis of the above-mentioned percentile are less than three times the number of vacancies, the cut-off percentile will be automatically lowered in such a manner that the number of eligible candidates shall be minimum three times the number of seats in each respective category
The validity of the result of NEET-MDS 2020 shall be only for the current admission session i.e. 2020 admission session for MDS courses and cannot be carried forward for the next session of admissions for MDS courses.
In the event of two or more candidates obtaining the same marks, the merit position shall be determined using the following tie-breaker criteria in descending order:
1. The candidate who has lesser number of incorrect responses in the overall paper (Part A & B) shall be placed at higher merit position.
2. Candidate with a higher score in Part B of the question paper shall be placed at higher merit position.
3. The candidate who has lesser number of incorrect responses in Part B of the paper shall be placed at higher merit position.
4. Failing which, date of birth of the candidate will be taken into consideration. The older candidate will be placed at a better merit position.
A percentile rank tells how well a candidate did in comparison to other candidates, while a percentage rank explains how well a candidate did in the test itself. Percentile never gives the detail of the marks that you have scored instead it just tell you about your merit position among the number of candidates who have appeared in the test with you. For example, a candidate might answer 85 percent of questions correctly and rank in the 99th percentile which means that percentile is not related to the percent of correct answers a student gets on a test.
Percentile ranks are commonly used to clarify the interpretation of marks on standardized tests. For example, a test marks that is greater than or equal to 80% of the marks of candidates taking the test is said to be at the 80th percentile, where 80 is the percentile rank.
Whereas the percentage of marks is simply calculated based on the marks obtained out of the maximum marks in the test. For example, a test marks of 75% in a test with maximum marks of 1000 indicates a mark of 750. The percentage of marks is not affected by the candidate's merit position in comparison to other candidates who took the test.
a) NEET-MDS 2020 rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate amongst all the candidates who have appeared in the NEET MDS 2020
b) All India 50% quota rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate amongst all the candidates who have appeared in the NEET MDS 2020 and are eligible for All India 50% quota counseling and is valid only for All India 50% quota MDS Courses (2020 admission session).
c) All India 50% quota Category Rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate in the category (OBC/SC/ST) as opted by the candidate in the NEET – MDS 2020 amongst the candidates of the same category who are eligible for All India 50% quota counseling and is valid only for All India 50% quota MDS Courses. (2020 admission session).
a) The result for NEET-MDS 2020 will be declared by 20th January 2020. The mark sheet-cum-result certificate for NEET-MDS 2020 examination – All India 50% Quota can be downloaded from the website www.nbe.edu.inafter the declaration of result.
b) The result of only those candidates who will be eligible to participate in the All India 50% quota counseling 2020 based on eligibility criteria provided by the Medical Counseling Committee and Directorate General of Health Services / MoHFW shall be declared under the All India 50% Quota list.
c) It is hereby clarified that a candidate may qualify NEET-MDS 2020 as per criteria mentioned in para 13.1 but is not in the list of candidates eligible for counseling for All India50% quota seats based on eligibility criteria provided by MCC/DGHS/ MoHFW. Such a candidate is, however, eligible to be considered for counseling for State quota seats in accordance with applicable regulations, qualifying criteria, applicable guidelines,and state reservation policies.
d) Candidates securing less than 50thpercentile (40 in case of th SC/ST/OBC and 45 in case of PH candidates) in NEET-MDS will not be considered for admission to MDS courses and no merit position or rank shall be given to such candidates.
e) 5% seats of annual sanctioned intake capacity is filled up by persons with benchmark disabilities in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, based on the merit list of national Eligibility-Cum-Entrance Test for admission to Postgraduate Medical Courses.
In order to be eligible for admission to Postgraduate Course for an academic year, it shall be necessary for a person with benchmark disabilities specified under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities th Act, 2016, the minimum marks of 45 percentile for General Category th and 40 percentile for SC/ST/OBC in the National Eligibility-cumEntrance Test for admission to Postgraduate Courses.
f) There is no provision for rechecking/re-evaluation/re-totaling of the result/ mark and no query in this regard will be entertained.
a. State quota seats in All Dental Institutions in a State and seats in institutions established by State Govt., Universities established by an Act of State/Union Territory Legislature, Municipal Bodies Trust, Society, Company or Minority Institutions shall be filled by utilizing the list of NEET-MDS. No state government / private medical college/ universities including the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir shall be conducting any entrance exam at their own level.
b. NBE shall be providing only the data of candidates and their marks in NEET-MDS 2020 to the State Government/Counseling Authority without applying eligibility criteria, reservation criteria etc of the concerned states. State quota rank, state category rank, benefit for Inservice candidates, rural posting (if applicable) etc shall be determined/ generated by the designated agency/authority of the concerned States/UTs/concerned authority as per applicable Regulations, eligibility criteria, guidelines and applicable reservation policies.
c. NBE shall not be preparing the merit list for any State quota seats / Private Dental College / Universities.
d. Different states have different eligibility criteria and reservation policies. State Government / Counseling authorities are requested to create their own application form customized to their requirements to determine the eligibility of the candidates for opting for seats in the concerned state based on their eligibility criteria, reservation policies, the benefit to in-service candidates, the benefit to candidates who have undergone rural/difficult area postings.
e. NBE does not verify the information provided by the candidates during online submission of an application form and hence candidature will be purely provisional subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for NEET-MDS 2020& criteria of State/Universities/Institutions concerned.
f. Candidates must verify from the respective State Government/UTs if at all they will be considered for admission to State Quota Post Graduate seats/Institute Pool based on applicable Regulation and/or domicile criteria, State/Institute of Graduation, reservation policy etc. Merely appearing/passing in NEET-MDS 2020 does not make a candidate qualified and/or eligible for State Quota Seats/admission to Private Universities & Institutes.
a. There shall be common counseling for admission to all post-graduate courses (Diploma/MDS) in all dental educational institutions on the basis of merit list of the NEET.
b. The designated authority for counseling for the 50% All India Quota seats of the contributing States, as per the existing scheme for postgraduate (Diploma/MDS) courses shall be the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Further Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India shall conduct counseling for all post-graduate (Diploma/MDS) Courses in Dental Educational Institutions of the Central Government, Universities established by an Act of Parliament and the Deemed Universities.
c. The counseling for admission to post-graduate (Diploma/MDS) courses in all dental Educational Institutions in a State/Union Territory, including dental educational institutions established by the State Government, University established by an Act of State/Union Territory Legislature, Trust, Society, Minority Institutions shall be conducted by the State/Union Territory Government.
d. In case, any dispute arises on such common counseling, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government and its decision shall be final in this regard.
The counseling authorities for allotment of various types of seats to eligible and successful candidates is summarized as follows:
S.No. | Types of seats | Counseling Authority |
1. | All India 50% quota Dental Educational Institutions of Central Govt. Universities established by an Act of Parliament Deemed Universities | Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India |
2. | State quota seats in All Dental Institutions in a State and seats in institutions established by State Govt., Universities established by Act of State/Union Territory Legislature, Municipal Bodies Trust, Society, Company or Minority Institutions | State Government or authority designated by the State Government |
Candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of MCC, NBE& State Counselling Authorities for the latest updates.
Admission to the under mentioned Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) training institutes is open to eligible candidates:
i) Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
ii) Army Dental Centre, Army Hospital (Research & Referral), Delhi Cantt
15.2 The candidates shall be considered for admission to the above-mentioned AFMS institutions under the following categories, in the order of precedence
i) Priority-I (Serving Army Dental Corps Officers as applicable vide Training Rules-2014 for AD Corps Officers promulgated by the DGAFMS)
ii) Priority-II (Foreign candidates)
iii) Priority-III (Para Mil/other Govt. of India sponsored candidates)
iv) Priority-IV (Ex-SSC AD Corps Officers)
v) Priority-V (Civilian Dental Surgeons)
At the time of online submission of application form for NEET-MDS 2020, the candidates will have to select the option "YES" to "Are you willing to take up post-graduate courses in institution/hospital of Armed Forces Medical Services". Thereafter, they will have to indicate their category as mentioned in Para 15.2
The Dental PG Courses at AFMS training Institutes are reserved for Priority-I & Priority-II candidates. However, any seat remaining vacant after fulfilling the AFMS requirement of seats to Priority-I & Priority-II candidates (balance of seats), shall be taken up for Priority III, IV & V candidates in that order. The counseling for these seats will be by DGHS through DGAFMS/AD Corps.
It is also likely that no seat may be available for some of the prioritized categories if the same have been allotted to candidates higher in priority and merit.
Candidates should preserve the Score & admit cards of NEET (MDS)-2020, which are required to be produced during counseling to be conducted for admission to Post Graduate courses in their respective categories & for Grant of SSC in Army Dental Corps. The dates of which will be notified separately, at a later date by Army Dental Corps.
Priority-IV candidates only: Ex-SSC AD Corps Officers released from service after completion of contractual service and within three years after their release from service and SSC AD Corps Officers in their last year of contractual service are also eligible to apply for this category such that:
(a) The date of release should not be before 01 May 2017 or after 30 Apr 2020 for the session starting in May 2020 (both dates inclusive).
(b) SSC AD Corps officers in the last year of contractual service and still not released from service on the day of the examination must have had the explicit permission of the DGAFMS for appearing in the written entrance examination (NEET-MDS 2020)
(c) For further details of terms & conditions, candidates are requested to refer the Info Bulletin on the subject by DGAFMS/Army Dental Corps, as & when the same is notified.
Officers who have resigned their commission/dismissed/removed from service/ not completed their contractual service are NOT eligible under this category. Such officers are also not eligible as Priority-V candidates.
As per Govt. of India policy on the subject, all the desirous candidates have to appear for NEET-MDS 2020. This includes BDS as well as MDS candidates. NEET-MDS marks shall be used for short-listing of candidates for interview and further selection process will be conducted by the DGAFMS/Army Dental Corps
There is no provision of reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC/PH in the Armed Forces Medical Servicesinstitutions conducting Post Graduate Dental courses.
The result shall be declared on NEET-MDS 2020 website. A separate merit list of categories 'PG in AFMS Institutions' and 'Grant of Short Service Commission in Army Dental Corps' shall be provided to the Directorate General of Dental services for admission to Armed Forces institutions.
a. Selection and final admissions to these institutions shall be made by the Armed Forces Medical Services based on merit of the candidates & as per order of precedence mentioned in Para 15.2 and who have applied online both to NEET-MDS and also to AFMS and the admissions shall be done as per Govt. of India - Ministry of Defence rules and regulations in conjunction with those applicable to the affiliating Universities.
b. All eligible candidates desirous of MDS will have to mandatorily register on the DGHS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare website www.mcc.nic.in, to be eligible for AFMS counseling for Post Graduate courses at AFMS teaching Institutes, failing which they will NOT be considered for allocation of specialties. The registration slip will be required to be furnished at the time of counseling. The list of registered candidates provided by DGHS for counseling will be final & binding for AFMS.
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