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AMU medical college collaborates with British Charity to operate on childrens hearts for free

Aligarh: The Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), affiliated to the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) after having signed a deal with a British charity Healing Little Hearts (HlH) is now all set to provide free heart Charities to children with congenital heart defects.
The HlH charity collaboration was initiated by AMU Vice Chancellor Tariq Mansoor, Tabassum Shahab (Pro Vice-Chancellor) and Shamshul Zoha, an AMU alumnus.
Javaid Akhter (Registrar), Mohammad Hanif Beg (Chairperson, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery) and Azam Haseem signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with HlH's Sanjiv Nichani (Consultant Paediatric Interventionist) and Zoha.
"Since independent researchers show yearly births of over 100,000 babies with congenital heart defects in India, it is high time to take necessary steps for helping these children with heart ailments," said Professor Beg to the Quint.
Children requiring corrective heart surgeries do not get treated due to the poor financial status of their parents and the affordable treatment available is sub-standard with poor skills on the part of the cardiac surgeons.
JNMC, however, is different as it provides affordable treatment with state-of-art facilities to patients from underprivileged sections, he added.
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