Medical entrance paper leakage scam: CPI urges Guv to order high level enquiry
Hyderabad: Communist Party of India (CPI) on Sunday urged Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Common Governor ESL Narasimhan to issue necessary orders to conduct a high level enquiry into the Medical Entrance paper leakage scam and functioning of Narayana and Sri Chaitanya Corporate colleges in Telugu states.
In a letter addressed to the Governor, a copy of which was released to media here on Sunday, CPI National Secretary Dr K Narayana referred to the recent arrest of an Employee (Dean) of a Reputed Corporate College over the Medical Entrance (EAMCET) Paper leakage scam at Hyderabad. This scam was dated back in 2016.
He is not alone involved in this scam. In Telugu states, there is a strong feeling among the people about the involvement of two corporate colleges, Sri Chaithanya and Narayana.
For decades together, these colleges are controlling Intermediate education (+2 course) in both telugu states-- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is not exaggeration that more than half of the intermediate students of these states are studying in these two groups of institutions alone.
Every year, only these institutions secure most of the top ranks in the final exams, as well as, in Medical and Engineering courses, Dr Narayana said.
He said that it is a known fact that these institutions use all ways and means to be on the top of chart. Sometimes they even kidnap the top rankers of other institutes and manage them to claim as if they studied in their institutions, he alleged.
Meanwhile, the two institutes claimed about the same student, who secured top rank and gave full page advertisements in the newspapers and Televisions. With all this, they try to attract students and also establish a network to identify meritorious students in Rural areas and get them joined in their colleges.
By showing the performance of these few meritorious students, these colleges commercialized education and charging lakhs of rupees in the name of IIT, NEET, Intensive coaching and others. Parents are innocently falling prey for their students and joining their children in these institutions.
Keeping in view, the future of the lakhs of students, I request you to order a high-level enquiry in to Medical entrance (EAMCET-2016) Paper leakage scam, as well as functioning of these colleges in both states and take stringent action and measures to bring out education system from the corporate clutches, Dr Narayana said in his letter.
Read Also: Telangana EAMCET-II exam paper leak: two more arrested
In a letter addressed to the Governor, a copy of which was released to media here on Sunday, CPI National Secretary Dr K Narayana referred to the recent arrest of an Employee (Dean) of a Reputed Corporate College over the Medical Entrance (EAMCET) Paper leakage scam at Hyderabad. This scam was dated back in 2016.
He is not alone involved in this scam. In Telugu states, there is a strong feeling among the people about the involvement of two corporate colleges, Sri Chaithanya and Narayana.
For decades together, these colleges are controlling Intermediate education (+2 course) in both telugu states-- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is not exaggeration that more than half of the intermediate students of these states are studying in these two groups of institutions alone.
Every year, only these institutions secure most of the top ranks in the final exams, as well as, in Medical and Engineering courses, Dr Narayana said.
He said that it is a known fact that these institutions use all ways and means to be on the top of chart. Sometimes they even kidnap the top rankers of other institutes and manage them to claim as if they studied in their institutions, he alleged.
Meanwhile, the two institutes claimed about the same student, who secured top rank and gave full page advertisements in the newspapers and Televisions. With all this, they try to attract students and also establish a network to identify meritorious students in Rural areas and get them joined in their colleges.
By showing the performance of these few meritorious students, these colleges commercialized education and charging lakhs of rupees in the name of IIT, NEET, Intensive coaching and others. Parents are innocently falling prey for their students and joining their children in these institutions.
Keeping in view, the future of the lakhs of students, I request you to order a high-level enquiry in to Medical entrance (EAMCET-2016) Paper leakage scam, as well as functioning of these colleges in both states and take stringent action and measures to bring out education system from the corporate clutches, Dr Narayana said in his letter.
Read Also: Telangana EAMCET-II exam paper leak: two more arrested
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