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AIIMS PhD Programme Jan, July 2019 Combined session: Admit card RELEASED; Download NOW

New Delhi: Candidates, who have applied for AIIMS PhD Programme for January and July 2019 session (Combined), can now download the admit card of AIIMS PhD Programme from the official website of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
In order to download the admit card, the candidates will have to follow the steps mentioned below:
- Log on to the official website, aiimsexams.org
- Go to academic courses tab
- On the new page, enter your registration number
- The admit cards will be displayed on the screen
- Download it and take print out of the admit card
Important Dates:
- Written Test through (CBT) Online mode: 21.05.2019, Tuesday
- Expected date of declaration of Result: 29.05.2019, Wednesday
- Departmental Assessment: 14.06.2019 & 15.06.2019, Friday & Saturday
- Final Result: 24.06.2019, Monday
To facilitate quick redressal of queries use registered email Id of Registration Form. Replies/Clarifications will only be given through this email.
Examination Pattern
Mode of Examination: Computer Based Test (CBT) [Online]
Duration of Examination: 90 Minutes Stage I & II
Date of Examination: Tuesday, 21st May, 2019
Number of Shifts: 01 (One)
Timing of Examination: 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM (90 Minutes)
Location of Examination Centres: Delhi (NCR)
Language of Paper: English
Type of Examination: Objective Type
Number of Questions: Stage I & II (30+40=70)
Type of Objective Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Distribution of Questions: Medical/Dental/Nursing Candidates Aptitude related covering English: 30 Subject related: 40 Non-Medical Candidates Aptitude related covering English: 30 Subject related: 40
Marking Scheme: Correct Answer: One mark (+)1 Incorrect Answer: Minus one-third (−)1/3 Unanswered / Marked for Review : 0 Not Answered : 0
Method of Cut-Off: At least 35 marks in Stage I and II (Combined) to be eligible for Stage III. Special weightage (described in the prospectus) to be added after determining eligibility. Candidates 3 times the number of seats advertised will be called for Stage III (Department clinical/ practical/lab based assessment carrying 20 marks)
Method of resolving ties: The tie case will be resolved according to age (Date of birth), the older candidate shall get preference over the younger one.
Declaration of Results
Results for Ph.D. Programme will be available on website at www.aiimsexams.org Result of individual candidate will NOT be informed on telephone and candidates are advised NOT to call the Examination Section for such information. However, individual result can be checked after closing of admission process.
Read Also: AIIMS MBBS 2019: Admit card RELEASED; Download NOW
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